Barrie Evans' page on counseling psychology and working with kids
Don't crucify me because my background looks terrible. I just haven't discovered how to select the colors I truly want and desire.

I would like to find out more about what other people know about working with kids who have budding personality disorders or features of personality disorders. I find that the kids who appear to be developing a borderline personality disorder are the hardest to work with and that the ethical revulsion workers have to dealing with their personality problems head-on makes things all the more difficult for frontline workers who may have very little instruction in these matters.
Please write to me if you work in the area of counseling, psychology, kids in trouble, etc. I would like to find out more about what others know in this area.

E mail address: or

Thanks! And I'm more than willing to add links to my page and join the struggle to have Geocities add a Psychology neighborhood. It's criminal that there isn't one presently.
Links to interesting places:

Bartlett's Quotations

American Counseling Association

Minnesota Mental Health Counselors Association

Anarchy site