Welcome to my Guestbook!Tell me what you want me to know.

EROS - 10/22/00 21:36:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/erosapplet
My Email:erosstar@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Toronto
age: 37
interests: sports,travel
cool sites you know: my site
chatprograms you use: http://www.italy1.com/chat/echat.html


I really enjoed your site 
and I like your poems too...
I've trusted many 
a friend that failed .
And left me to weep alone, 
But I've found enough 
of my friends true blue,
To make me keep trusting on. 

Uh-oh! No, Java? You have just missed an awesome display! Upgrade to a Java Capable browser soon.

Russell Boustead - 10/02/00 12:06:58
My Email:russellb29@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Australia
age: 46
interests: anything fun

UI loved your web site was great

Emmanuel - 07/11/00 10:52:49
My URL:http://ole.francite.com/Yema-index.htm
My Email:e_lodonou@hotmail.com
female or male: Mali
location: Amsterdam/Holland
age: 41
interests: Unlimited
chatprograms you use: icq

You're a genius

marianne monosevita - 03/20/00 13:34:32
My URL:http://home.icq.com/57063666
My Email:m.osevita_1806@england.com
female or male: female
location: now jakarta future belgium
age: 34
interests: reading and writing
cool sites you know: www.gigashop.com
chatprograms you use: icq,msn,detik.com, astaga.com

I love your topic interest at icq u have been written down to meet all people from all the world and i would love to give my welcome language here: "senang berkenalan dengan irisbe dan bisa ngobrol dengannya karena pergaulan dan wawasan pengetahuannya yang luas yang tentunya didukung oleh pekerjaannya sebagai asisten perpustakaan" "SELAMAT BERKENALAN DANIELLE"

dogman - 03/02/00 12:56:39
My URL:http://www.39108137.home.icq.com/my hobby.html
My Email:extramadura@icqmail.com
female or male: male
location: ninof
age: 33
interests: all
chatprograms you use: icq and aol

zeer prachtig gedaan deze side

Georges - 02/17/00 17:35:26
My Email:georges1@mail.dma.be
female or male: male
location: A'pen
age: 52
interests: internet - writing - reading
chatprograms you use: non (I hate it)

Ik heb jouw site ontdekt via RdV en wat ik daar zie is wel bijzonder, ik zal ge nog wel eens iets laten horen als ik de tekst die ik afgedrukt heb rustig heb gelezen ... georges bye Schrijf je mij even ?

Rick - 02/05/00 15:04:28
female or male: Male
location: USA
interests: Unlimited

Danielle, you have a special place in my heart all year around. You are my one and only Valentine. You are a one of a kind lady!!! And I love you! Rick

jan - 01/15/00 16:25:44
My Email:janjaksens@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Belgium
age: 38


eric casenas - 11/15/99 14:01:58
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/heartland/plains/7854/home.html
My Email:eking43@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Cleveland, Ohio
age: 56
interests: computer, photography, travel
cool sites you know: http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Acres/5472/dreamcatcher.html
chatprograms you use: VP, ICQ

"Tomorrow is not a Promise" is now saved in my bookmark. I forwarded it to friends and added at the end of description "~~~ but we can make it happen ~~~" It stand out as a work of LOVE.

Josée - 11/04/99 08:40:49
location: Bureauke hiernaast
interests: on a low level

Waar blijft ge het halen! Spijtig dat het zo zwaarmoedig is. Maar dat is waarschijnlijk omdat ik u gelijk moet geven over de diepere zin van oppervlakkige woorden. Ik heb er wel lang over gedaan voor ik deze pagina helemaal heb doorgelezen maar ge weet oo wel dat ik hier grondige controle heb nietwaar. Aub blijf me mailtjes sturen, ook al antwoord ik niet direct. Ge moogt er ook plezante dinges tussen steken. Josée

Kristjan Eysteinsson - 10/13/99 13:54:31
My Email:flax@gb.is
female or male: male
location: Iceland
age: 48
interests: arts,some sports,nature,music and many others
chatprograms you use: VP,ICQ

Your site Karibu is very nice or as they would say in swahili "safi sana". I have enjoyed this visit. I see you have affection for the "Big Apple" like I do. Greetings Kristjan

Kev - 10/11/99 01:22:01
female or male: Male
location: UK, but kossevo today
age: 34
interests: dont ask you dont want to know
chatprograms you use: icq 4135185

Promised i'll sign it for you Danny, you're getting good at this, hopfully stay in touch, take care kev

Lady Damn - 10/07/99 19:56:24
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Wellesley/Garden/1211
My Email:LADYDAMM@msn.com
location: Grand Ole South!
age: to old!!
interests: to many
cool sites you know: mine!! some others
chatprograms you use: ICQ,MSN,AOL,some others

Very pretty!! good job keep it up I will be back again, Byee THE! Lady Damn

Hans Cuypers - 10/07/99 08:40:16
My Email:cuypershans@village.uunet.be
female or male: male
location: Belgium
age: 45
interests: A spiritual life

In budism they say: If you worry about a problem you can solve, than solve it and you don't need to worry any more. If you worry about a problem you cannot solve, than there is no need to worry because you cannot solve it.

Donna - 10/07/99 05:33:09
location: erie, Pa
age: ? he he
cool sites you know: can' remember
chatprograms you use: off limits he he


Assassin - 10/06/99 12:39:58
My URL:http://www2.crosswinds.net/~nassassin
My Email:dark_one@dingoblue.net.au
female or male: male
location: Australia
chatprograms you use: ICQ, mIRC, IM, Java

Very nice Dannie, you have such a talent with words i wish i could write like that.

steph bowers - 10/06/99 12:14:12
My Email:jnco_chick2@hotmail.com
female or male: female
location: pennsylvania
age: 14
interests: cheerleading
cool sites you know: flordia and washington dc
chatprograms you use: colony city and wwf

that's so sweet and cute!!

Roeland - 10/06/99 11:29:22
My Email:roeland@glo.be
female or male: male
location: Hemiksem
age: 36
interests: computerkes
cool sites you know: den uwe
chatprograms you use: icq

Hoi, Zoals beloofd teken ik je Guestbook.... Ik heb er wel 2 dagen over gedaan om alles te verkennen. Een pracht van een persoonlijke site ! En dan die poems, dat slaat alles... Mvg, Roeland

Joe_bar - 10/06/99 08:00:35
My Email:joe_bar@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Brussels
age: 35


Dan (cap) - 56071 - 10/05/99 15:51:05
My Email:dan.ds@bigfoot.com
female or male: Male
location: Brussels
age: 48

...are in RDV... ;-)

karl Reremoser - 10/05/99 11:53:47
My Email:karl_reremoser@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Ghent
age: 25

I liked very much the things you wrote. It's hard to describe what I fellt, but I liked it very much. thanks

millhouse - 10/05/99 08:20:40
location: new zealand
age: 38

Very nice Danielle you ve a way with the words

luk - 10/03/99 22:08:46
My URL:http://RDV 13512
My Email:spetter@usa.net


craig - 10/02/99 20:31:49
location: northern uk
age: 36
interests: many
cool sites you know: www.real.com
chatprograms you use: vp and icq

loved it , did you write it ?

Koert - 10/02/99 17:07:29
My Email:kurt.merlin@pandora.be
female or male: euh ... male ???
location: Antwerp ... under the bells of the Kathedral
age: ... Trente cinque
interests: infinitely absorbing like a grand coral reef
cool sites you know: too many
chatprograms you use: ICQ / Netmeet ( on a good day )

Yet thy words let me stumble upon the picture reflecting the mirror of my heart, mind and soul ... Thy wonders off to deep ends in the soul ... yet one would be able to detect the richeness of thow being ... remarkable to say the least ... see ya, hope to encounter you one day ... bye for now xxx trois bizous françaises en plein amitié Koert

ICE - 10/02/99 15:03:38
My Email:wpascoe99@yahoo.com
female or male: Male
location: In you
age: Does it matter
interests: Only YOU
chatprograms you use: ICQ

Im yours if you will have me babe? Let me take you to Heaven, Yours sexy eyes are the gateway to your sexy soul babe. Love ya

e. cubarrubia - 10/02/99 13:12:30
My Email:ecubarrubia@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: cleveland, Ohio
age: 56
interests: music, photography,science

A different perspective in web design. Gives me another avenue of approach to building my web page Thnkas for the gift.

Olavi Palin - 10/01/99 11:50:53
My URL:http://www.abo.fi/~opalin
My Email:olavi.palin@turkuamk.fi
female or male: male
location: Turku
interests: history
chatprograms you use: none

Hei! I looked your interesting pages. I will also thank You for You and Your colleques for the time in Antwerp! Olavi Palin

Dirk - 09/30/99 16:11:46
My Email:dirk.claesen@planetinternet.be
female or male: male
location: neerpelt
age: 44
interests: plezier hebben in het leven
chatprograms you use: mirc:rendez-vous_nl,vlaanderen30+,contact_vl

Prachtig gedicht.... Ik wou dat er zo meer te vinden waren.

Daniel - 09/30/99 13:16:08
My Email:daan_tamboers@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Belgium
age: 50

I just found your page, browsing RDV... Congratulations, the poems are very sensitive ! Keep them going !

Peter (Bossman-Superguy) - 09/29/99 00:01:44
My Email:tyres80@hotmail.com
female or male: obvious surely
location: England
age: 39
interests: Belgium women
cool sites you know: a few
chatprograms you use: Excite

Absolutely superb web page , set out well and what a gorgous woman in the opening picture .. She looks so sort of hmmmmmm classy i would say best describes her ..

Tony - 09/24/99 13:17:16
My Email:tonyc13@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: near Kortrijk
age: 36
interests: you know them !! *smile*
cool sites you know: where we met

Hallo Danielle, zoals beloofd ben ik een kijkje komen nemen op jouw site jouw gegevens hebben me wel verrast, in de positieve zin dan we 'zien' elkaar nog wel, hoop ik tenminste Bye

Francis Vanheybeeck - 09/18/99 20:44:56
My Email:fvanheybeeck@yahoo.com
female or male: male
location: Edegem
age: 30
interests: music, literature, art
cool sites you know: hm
chatprograms you use: rendez-vous/various

Daniëlle, geweldige site zowel inhoudelijk als visueel/auditief zeer aantrekkelijk ! Doe zo voort ! Ik beloof regelmatig een bezoekje te brengen. Uw voor één keer geen onzin spuiende chatmate. Cis

Marie - 09/12/99 19:32:36
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/sweetjustice/homepage.htm
female or male: female
location: Oregon USA
age: 53
interests: PC's, cooking, gardening, my cat, grandchildren, new Cyberfriends
cool sites you know: http://members.xoom.com/sweetjustice/new.htm
chatprograms you use: don't like them!

Nice site! Thanks for signing my guestbook. Agree with you about saving our "Green" spaces. The US is doing similar and getting horrid feedback from the "Rich" because they're afraid they won't make that almighty dollar!

Random Act of Kindness

Davorin - 09/10/99 13:11:31
My Email:davorin.bedrac@smm.si
female or male: male
location: Slovenia
age: 36
interests: photography, biking, traveling..
chatprograms you use: ICQ, of course!

Very nice homepage! And very nice country - I'd like to visit it and to travel with my bike all over...

Gianna - 09/08/99 00:38:45
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/~rogise
My Email:rogise@globalserve.net
location: canada

Hello Danielle, I have enjoyed reading about your beautiful country. I drove through Belgium years ago. Your poetry page and poems are wonderful!

Phylo - 09/05/99 16:38:11
My Email:Phylo@village.uunet.be
female or male: male
location: Baudour
age: 32
interests: informatique

Site bien sympathique que le tiens

Taku Ashu - 08/27/99 09:59:53
My URL:http://jump.to/takuashu
My Email:tashu74@yahoo.com
female or male: male
location: Germany
age: 24
interests: everything
cool sites you know: http://get.to/ASHU
chatprograms you use: don't have

Excellent webpages and very informative.You're and excellent source of information.Keep up with the hard work.Taku Ashu

Suzanne Wouters - 08/18/99 12:32:05

om op te eten !

Carl Banson - 08/05/99 01:08:18
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/threekings/77/index.html
My Email:nate@webcombo.net
female or male: male
location: Tacoma, Washington, USA
age: 46
interests: computer chating, new friends
chatprograms you use: ICQ, Yahoo pager, AOL pager

A warm hello from across the world, but thinks to the net, we are just a mouse click away. Carl

WiseHearts! Universal Hope For A WiseHearted Planet! - 08/04/99 12:27:35
My URL:http://www.mnsi.net/~tmcphers/index.htm
My Email:tmcphers@mnsi.net
location: Ontario, Canada
age: Timeless & Ageless
interests: Writing, Reading, Clogging
cool sites you know: This one!

Your poetry is wonderful ...raw...honest...passionate!

Hassan Bolbol - 07/31/99 10:08:36
My URL:http://www.maddog81.friendpages.com
My Email:hassanbolbol@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Lebabnon
age: 18
interests: computer and computer and finally computer
cool sites you know: www.zdnet.com
chatprograms you use: virtual places of excite " nickmane=MadDog81"

Great Job... I like your web site.. it is really cool... I will visit it frequently to see your updates.. Greta job again and i wish you alllllll thhhhe besssst... Hassan B.

Mark.(millhouse) - 07/30/99 09:05:09
female or male: Male
location: Christchurch New Zealand
age: 38
interests: Life,
chatprograms you use: ICQ

Xcellent,Nice to see you Danielle

ahmed al-jowder - 07/30/99 08:35:50
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Jowder/homepage.htm
My Email:arwadan@batelco.com.bh
female or male: male
location: Bahrain, west Asia
age: 45

Danielle Excellent Homepage and wonderful life you have. Thank you for leeding me for this nice place which need sevral visits to explore. Keep up the hard work and am on icq too 12367 add me please. take care!! and wish you all the best. ahmed

Warren - 07/29/99 10:14:25
My Email:warren@pressgang-publishing.co.uk
female or male: male
location: London
age: 29

Well i finally got to your webpage and a fine one it is, liked the poems. mine will be available soon, will let you know when warrenx

Josée - 07/29/99 07:28:50
location: hiernaast

Hoe doet ge dat toch allemaal? Ik weet wel dat ge een uitgebreide woordenschat beheerst maar die gedichten vloeien gewoon over het scherm, ze lijken wel even vlot gemaakt dan gelezen alhoewel dat dat niet kan.

Jan Neubauer - 07/28/99 18:03:54
My Email:cool_honza@yahoo.com
female or male: male
location: Prague, Czechia
age: 33
chatprograms you use: ICQ

Thanks, well done, Danielle Hope to see you soon, what about your visit to Prague :-)))

Sweet^Guy - 07/27/99 22:13:47
My Email:My Friends know that :p~~
female or male: male
location: antwerpen
age: mmm no comment :p~~
interests: computers , live, anything
cool sites you know: www.bluemountain.com
chatprograms you use: Mirc


francis - 07/26/99 18:33:21
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/southbeach/sandbar/8499/francis.html
location: Honduras
age: 21
interests: music

well done!

dave - 07/14/99 09:13:11
My Email:dave-OJU@DSW.COM.IL
female or male: MALE
age: 43
interests: SEX


Karel Rosseels - 07/12/99 21:42:15
My Email:karel.rosseels@village.uunet.be
female or male: male
location: Schoten
age: 48
interests: Person to person talk , learning about new sides of life
chatprograms you use: icq, mediaring 99(voice)

Very delicate graphics , I like them... Maybe if you would tell us a background story , and then the poem , it would be even more enjoyable !!! karel

Col Castree - 07/12/99 07:54:47
My Email:huntsman@spiderweb.com.au
female or male: male in a woman's world:)
location: Gympie Australia
age: mmmm 47 ish
interests: poetry /art
cool sites you know: this one
chatprograms you use: icq (firpac) yahoo(firpac1)

I have known Danielle for about 2 years on the net. She is always charming, and this page reflects her inner beauty.. Col

luc - 07/11/99 22:24:38
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/luc.verhoeyen
My Email:luc.verhoeyen@backline.be
female or male: male
location: assenede
age: 40
interests: horses,music
cool sites you know: mine
chatprograms you use: icq (rare)

something different then the other ones. nice. keep it that way

raj - 07/11/99 20:42:01
My Email:skysleeker@hotmail.com
location: london
age: 36

great poem

michael - 07/11/99 12:01:22
female or male: male
location: united states
age: 35
chatprograms you use: icq & msn


Chuck T - 07/11/99 03:57:38
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Port/9640
My Email:chuckiet@ptd.net
female or male: male
location: Pennsylvania
age: 62
interests: nature, art, poetry

Thank you for sharing this with me:) I enjoyed it a lot. Chuck T

Honey - 07/11/99 03:16:00
My Email:WhiteTiger91@hotmail.com
female or male: female


Sherry - 07/11/99 02:29:06
My Email:fsa24.prairie.lakes.com
female or male: female
location: Minnesota
age: 30


Sherry - 07/11/99 02:28:33
My Email:fsa24.prairie.lakes.com
female or male: female


christine holmes - 07/11/99 00:23:53
My URL:http://animation\acmecity\crash\43\index.html
My Email:holmesr@northlink.net
female or male: female
location: charlevoix, mi
age: 48
interests: puters, reading, grandchildren
cool sites you know: treeloot, coolsavings,
chatprograms you use: icq,aol,yahoo

i enjoyed your page immensely thank you for your time and effort to make it so unique

Lavergne Fequet - 07/10/99 22:19:13
My Email:nrhslf@globetrotter.qc.ca
female or male: male
location: New Richmond, Quebec, CANADA
age: 46
interests: Nature, History, Golf, Reading, Walking on the beach,,,enjoy the awesome beauty of this wonderful Sound Garden we call earth.
chatprograms you use: ICQ

Yeah Danielle, what a wonderful warm greeting your friendship message is,,,You are a sweety lady,,the world would be a much better place for all if there were more people like Danielle,,,

John - 07/05/99 20:53:27
My URL:http://bewoner.dma.be/blenchi/
My Email:blenchi@mail.dma.be
female or male: male
location: Zandhoven
age: 42
interests: Communication, Photography

You took a lot of effort to make such a lovely site. I also took a look on some of your hart-warming poems. Keep on webbing!

Buck$ - 07/03/99 16:46:40
My Email:lionel@accesscable.net
female or male: doesn't matter does ?
location: Canada
age: 36
interests: you interest me baby
cool sites you know: yours
chatprograms you use: none

I love your site and I think I love you as well! Don't ever change baby!

Tommy Sandkvist - 06/27/99 08:22:00
My URL:http://www.theguestbook.com/vgbook/73572.gbook?11
My Email:tsandkvist@yesbox.net
female or male: male
location: Sweden
age: 33
interests: Music and talking to people all over the world. I like countrymusic a lot!
cool sites you know: www.guld.nu
chatprograms you use: icqchat

Hello! Here is Tommy from Sweden signing your guestbook! It was nice talking to you . I hope you have a wonderful day. Keep in touch and keep smiling. The life is to short to be angry :) YIHAA! Bye

Les - 06/21/99 09:45:06
female or male: All male
location: HULL
age: 40
interests: ?????????

Hey danni.......Great Home Page speak again soon

Kim - 06/21/99 03:40:09
My URL:http://jump.to/kimberly
My Email:kimtaylor@geocities.com
location: Nebraska
age: 14
chatprograms you use: Yahoo, ICQ

Hey, cool page! Stop bye and visit mine sometime and sign my books!

My Homepage

At my page, there are pictures of myself and my dogs, a place to sign up for a free banner (that I make), and much more!

Please email me!

Or page me over ICQ! My number is 1845245.
My communication center at ICQ.


Ludo - 06/18/99 21:32:06
My Email:sfinkx.bel@pandora.be
female or male: male
location: Edegem
age: 46
interests: zie ICQ 38880847
chatprograms you use: ICQ 99a

Ik schrijf wat in je gastenboek, omdat ik het grappig vond dat jouw adres op de eerste plaats stond op ICQ random search, alhoewel ik over gans de wereld aan't zoeken was. In vogelvlucht is't misschien minder dan 1Km dat we van elkaar wonen. Groetjes, Toffe Site overigens. Sfinkx

Craig - 06/16/99 10:13:01
My Email:5650468@zdnetmail.com
female or male: Male
location: Kuwait
age: 34
interests: Drag racing
chatprograms you use: icq

Nice homepage thought I took a while to find my way around to get your pictures. Thanks for being a friend out here. Lots of Luck to U

EzLam - 06/14/99 19:20:07
My URL:http://ezlam.friendpages.com
My Email:ezlam@hotmail.com

Hi, your site is so cool! I like it very much, please visit me and don't forget to sign my guest book!

SYI - 06/12/99 12:55:12
My URL:http://www.htmlds.com/syi
My Email:syi@htmlds.com
female or male: yes please
location: Canada
age: 10+
interests: Music
cool sites you know: www.thisone.com
chatprograms you use: none

All righty then lets get down to business, by now you've probably heard all the rumors and gossip , well let us be the first to tell you that most of them are true. Yes we here at SYI central are recieving head from anyone who is offering, and no it's not a SEX thing!!! We are looking for some photos of your HEAD, so if you have some free time stop by and visit with SYI. Come and see "what the people are saying". It's Rock at its Swinest! Undeniable the most fun you can have with your clothes on! SYI, Atlantic Canada's best kept secret.

"SYI, Live, Loud & not too Proud!"
Copyright © 1999 Steaming DilBrt Productions, Dartmouth, N.S. , Canada eh!

Audra - 06/11/99 06:55:24
My Email:afreeman82@hotmail.com
female or male: female
location: Oregon USA
age: 40
interests: Men, what can I say
cool sites you know: yours
chatprograms you use: yahoo


Danielle - 06/10/99 01:55:27

Thank you friends for all your nice comments! Danielle

Ruth - 05/14/99 05:42:36
My Email:Ruthie230@aol.com
female or male: female
location: Harrisburg,PA -USA
age: 64
interests: gardenig,cooking ,computer
cool sites you know: still seeking


chatchaya kulapalanont - 05/05/99 15:49:25
My Email:onsiri@asiaaccess.net.th
female or male: female
location: bangkok, thailand
age: 28
interests: movie
cool sites you know: none
chatprograms you use: icq, buddy

your song is nice

MOUNAIM KHALID - 05/02/99 19:42:28
My Email:mounaimkhd@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: casablanca
age: 20
interests: music , sports , traveling...

thank u , i was very astonished when i recieved this e mail , realy it's nice from your part...

Tina - 04/29/99 12:11:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BlackBeltL/selfdefense.html
My Email:BlackBeltL@AOL.com
female or male: Female
location: Ohio
age: 42
interests: Martial Arts, Fishing, Volleyball, Baseball, Crafts, Outdoor Activities
cool sites you know: http://members.aol.com/SHER YL510/index.html
chatprograms you use: None

Hello, Compliments to the creator for such a loving & tender site. Enjoyed your poems very much, especially Peace.....Thanks for creating such a wonderful site for all to view. Welcome to the COF Web Ring.....Take Care !! * * HUGS * * Tina :)))

Women's Self Defense & Rape Prevention

rocket - 04/28/99 19:15:07
My Email:rondavi@lineone.net
location: uk
age: 30
interests: catholic
cool sites you know: new to system
chatprograms you use: icq only

all this is totally confusing to me as i am new to the net and icq

Karel Rosseels - 04/26/99 10:24:08
My URL:http://gallery.uunet.be/karel.rosseels
My Email:karel.rosseels@village.uunet.be
female or male: male
location: Schoten
age: 45
interests: technical issues, meeting people, sparkling conversations
chatprograms you use: icq

Hallo, Een vergissing is mogelijk, maar ik dacht U gevonden te hebben via friendfinder.com, er is daar tenminste ook een irisbe die op excite rondkijkt. Via fiendfinder heb ik u een mailtje gestuurd, al ontvangen? Mijn icq :22377601. Hartelijke groeten Karel

bert - 04/25/99 17:53:38
My Email:bsagaert@unicall.be
female or male: male
location: belgium
age: 50
interests: everything
cool sites you know: the net
chatprograms you use: icq

Dannie, Ik zal het maar niet in het Engels proberen te schrijven, mijn Nederlands is al abominabel genoeg... ..Je was een van de eerste ICQ-contacten die ik had, jammer genoeg verloor ik je door een door mijn computer-analfabetische geest uitgelokte crash... Alle gedichten die je stuurde 'safede' ik, maar ook die verloor ik, net als jouw adres... Ik kan je alleen maar feliciteren met je gedicht, dat nu de verwoording is van velen onder ons... 'Ggive Peace a Chance...' riepen we in 68... ..Dat je je stem aan dit gedicht wilde linken, getuigt van veel moed, je weet nooit... Voor mij, down to earth, is de combinatie van je stem met de tekst een verbluffend voorbeeld hoe je mensen kan raken en ontroeren, gewoon door te doen wat je ingegeven wordt... Dannie, proficiat... DIKKEZOEN !!!!!!!!!!! bert

Peter - 04/25/99 05:07:32
My Email:dirtydane@post.cybercity.dk
female or male: Male
location: Denmark
age: 44
interests: Diving,starrlight gazing
cool sites you know: http://www.nerve.com/highlights/
chatprograms you use: VP, ICQ,www.chat.forum.dk

Roses are red, Sugar is sweet, And so are you.

nis - 04/25/99 04:34:12
My Email:nishancool@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: Dubai
age: 27

it was a great poem and peace to all of us.

- 04/25/99 02:55:27


matthew - 04/24/99 22:32:59
My URL:http://www.netrover.com
My Email:matthew2@netrover.com
female or male: male
location: Ontario
age: 42
interests: women
cool sites you know: www.ublow.com
chatprograms you use: icq


Bill - 04/24/99 21:45:11
My Email:bmay@ebicom.net
female or male: male
location: Mississippi
age: 47
interests: Computers, Gardening, Cooking
chatprograms you use: mIRC, ICQ

It was very beautiful. I hope some day we can all accept each other and live in peace!

Keoni - 04/24/99 09:53:14
My Email:jkporter@hawaii.rr.com
female or male: male
location: Hawaii
age: 44
interests: Computers and mp3's!!
chatprograms you use: ICQ

GOD is in control whether we think so or not!

ken preeper - 04/24/99 02:50:13
My Email:kpreeper@uniserve.com
female or male: male
location: BC canada
age: 44
interests: motor sports

very nice page.....keep up the good work

Mike Iannandrea - 04/23/99 22:59:17
My Email:michaeli5@excite.com
female or male: male
location: NY usa
age: 48
interests: bowling,chess,friends
chatprograms you use: vp married life and 40ish

I share you're sentiments that It is bad to use bombs instead of peace..but the person responsible for the destruction of so many lives cannot be allowed to go free..and continue his destruction. Even God had to resort to violence many times in a n attempt to change our attitudes. Peace at all costs is not feasible! Beautiful site and beuatiful sentiments...It is a shame that reality has to take such a great toll on those ideals.

Sandra Quero - 04/23/99 14:01:47
My Email:quero@luz.ve; sqr@mixmail.com
female or male: female
location: Venezuela
age: 29
interests: education
cool sites you know: a lot
chatprograms you use: ICQ

Is beautiful this URL, because shows friendship, love

Michael E - 04/23/99 13:56:06
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/capecanaveral/hangar/8818
My Email:measy@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: VA
age: 26
interests: RC aircraft, web, special effects
chatprograms you use: ICQ, powwow, MIRC

Very nice.... more peolple should feel the words not just read them. And i would like to hear you sing!@!

Annie - 04/23/99 11:59:15
My Email:olaxe@voyager.net
female or male: Female
location: Mi
age: 39
interests: chatting&playing online euchre
cool sites you know: lots
chatprograms you use: ICQ

Very nicely done.A friend of mine sent this to me.

José - 04/23/99 11:30:08
My Email:sjosesal@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: salamanca - spain
chatprograms you use: ICQ,, Virtual Places..


Music - 04/23/99 11:29:44
My Email:daf37@hotmail.com
female or male: female
location: Va
age: 32
chatprograms you use: ICQ


Beni - 04/23/99 09:35:17

Goed gedaan. Je blijft me verbazen.

Paul - 04/23/99 07:18:55
My URL:ICQ 22098818
My Email:churston@excite.com
female or male: male
location: Holland
age: 44
chatprograms you use: lots. Ask me

Thanks for the kind thoughts Danielle

Tim Black - 04/23/99 03:21:50
My URL:http://members.iglou.com/timblack
My Email:timblack@iglou.com
location: Lexington, KY
age: 25
interests: beer,tennis,history,gardening
chatprograms you use: ICQ,Excite Virtual Places

Great Poem, Danielle. But who is Nick?

Paul Day - 04/20/99 21:50:22
My Email:BurnOutBaby@hotmail.com
female or male: Male
location: Canada
age: 16
interests: Chatting with Danielle!
cool sites you know: Well this is one for starters....
chatprograms you use: VP and ICQ

Welll I finally signed it for you Danielle! hehe, hope I see you soon on VP! Love, Paul

Assassin - 04/13/99 12:27:37
My URL:http://come.to/AssassinsWorld
My Email:assassin@felglow.com.au
female or male: Male
location: Australia
interests: All my friends
cool sites you know: This Site
chatprograms you use: too many to say

Love the page and peace be with you. Talk to you soon.....Assassin

steve brown - 04/01/99 17:00:41
My Email:visbron_kennels@yahoo.com
location: aussie
age: 33
chatprograms you use: icq

great stuff danni will chat soon take care and stay safe

Whitewolf_328 - 03/30/99 20:40:04
My URL:http://surf.to/wolfsden
My Email:fernando@idir.net
female or male: Male
location: Kansas USA
age: 35
interests: Cats
cool sites you know: Circle of Friends Webring
chatprograms you use: - -

Thanks for your submission into the Circle of Freinds Webring. Please let me know when you have the menu in place. I will add you immediately, Either I or my partner assassin@felglow.com.ua will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Take Care and God Bless, Whitewolf and Sunfire

Danielle (me) - 03/29/99 12:19:15
interests: my friends

Congragulations Lasse, you are the 1000nd visitor accordingly to my nedstats :-) glad it was you Danielle

Lasse - 03/29/99 12:14:28
My URL:http://www.mohs.hk-r.se
My Email:matsson@home.se
female or male: male
location: Sweden
age: 39
interests: All
cool sites you know: this
chatprograms you use: icq

Love it :)))))))))))

Renée Boey - 03/26/99 09:28:11
My Email:rboey@uia.ua.ac.be
female or male: female
location: Wilrijk
age: 56
interests: te veel

Heb met veel plezier kennis gemaakt met je Home-page! Heel vindingrijk en amusant. Groetjes, Renée

Renée Boey - 03/26/99 09:25:27


BARTJE -FANTOM- - 03/22/99 12:53:55
My Email:bartje77@hotmail.com
female or male: male
location: mechelen
age: 22
interests: sports, chat, literature,...
cool sites you know: www.rendez-vous.be
chatprograms you use: mirc, icq, warmaster


Erdogan - 03/09/99 16:13:35
female or male: Male
location: Turquie
age: 37
chatprograms you use: Icq

Felicitations... Tu as prepare une bonne page... Mais, a mon avis, il etait mieux de placer plus de photos. Amicalement...

Del'Ak - 03/05/99 11:22:09
My URL:http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~deleak/
female or male: Male
location: At home, or out somewhere
age: 35
interests: Everything
cool sites you know: Lots
chatprograms you use: most

Nice site. Wish I was as creative!!! Ciao

Danny - 02/21/99 21:24:09
My Email:mark.be@mailexcite.com
female or male: male
location: Flanders, Belgium
age: 40
interests: icq, programming
chatprograms you use: icq, mirc

I love to chat with you Danielle. Danny

Marc - 02/13/99 02:07:27
My URL:http://www.bard.org.il/~marc
My Email:marc@bard.org.il
location: Israel
age: 32
interests: poetry, history, languages, writing
cool sites you know: http://www.ping.be
chatprograms you use: netscape


Neil Alan Florman - 02/04/99 19:20:32
My Email:www.theboat2@bellsouth.net
female or male: it's me

Hello Dear Daniella, Do you send love poems to all your friends because you are so very friendly or do you think ya like me? Well I'm done. ME

Darrell Russell - 02/04/99 00:00:20
My Email:oldman60@excite.com
female or male: male
location: Midwest City,Ok
age: 38
interests: open
chatprograms you use: ICQ and Excite Pal


Bruce - 02/02/99 13:58:13
My Email:bdpwsc@aol.com
location: Pennsylvania USA
age: 50
chatprograms you use: ICQ & AOL

You have a super site and I've enjoyed exploring it.

- 01/30/99 20:41:38


me - 01/30/99 10:57:56

my first comment will be mine hahaha (as a test of course)

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