The Eye of Ra Book Club

For the Avid Reader in You

The Eye of Ra Bookclub is closed

We have ended our little club after 4+ wonderful years. A debt of thanks goes
to our memebers and all of the authors over the years that have made our
club special. As you know, all good things must come to an end. So with
that we thank you all and who knows, we may rise again. Just keep your eye
on this page from time to time for any details.

Discussion Sites

Click here for Member Reviews.

The founders of the Eye of Ra Book Club, Mr. & Mrs. Darryl & Angela Andrews

Links to other sites on the Web

Kimberla Lawson Roby's web site
Karen E. Quinones Miller's web site
Claude W. Parker's Web Site
Brian Peterson's Web Site
Kaya Casper's web site (WideThinker.Com)

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If you have any questions, comments, or input, please let us know.
This page was last updated on November 6, 2003.

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