Love, Light, and Namaste! Welcome to my page.......

I am Bluestar. I am a Universalist among many other things. What that means to me is that I follow several spiritual paths. I have followed many paths and since I am open to everyone no matter what their path may be, I feel that the term 'Universalist' is best for me.

I am married. My mate and I have been together in many incarnations.

My site covers several different paths since that is what I am. I try to cover the basic elements of life that are essential to peace and happiness. Just light and love and then some.
Sit back, relax and enjoy =o).

Song of Stars
(an Algonquin poem)

We are the stars which sing,
We sing with our Light.
We are the birds of fire,
We fly across the heaven,
Our light is a star,
We make a road for Spirits,
A road for the Great Spirit.


I have not always been tuned in to the Spirit Way. For the majority of my life I was blind to it. I really lost my way when I lost my little girl. That is what thrust me into my faith. I have included a page of poetry that I wrote shortly after she died. My writing was very healing for me. By including this segment I hope to help others who have lost their child too for it is a pain that no one should bear alone. Click the baby button below to view the page.


Here I have added snippits on enlightenment and love. Click the chakra picture to view them.

Peace be!


The wind whisps gently through the air. Rustling the Autumn leaves. The Wiccan woman raises her staff and draws down the power of the universe into her solar plexus. She picks up a feather and releases it into the air and it takes flight. What ye will so mote it be.....

Book of Shadows

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since April 13, 1998

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Peace be unto you and yours!