About Us

Freeburg High School Music Department is part of Freeburg Community High School District #77 in Freeburg, Illinois. Freeburg is a small community of nearly 3,500 people. It is a short drive away from the city of St. Louis, which makes it a small quiet community very close to a big city.



Q: I've heard that if you're in music classes, you can't be in sports. Is that true?

A: No. There is great cooperation between the music and athletic programs at FCHS. Band and Chorus have many students that are in sports. When an occasional conflict arises, it is worked out between the coach and the director.


Q: Are Band and Chorus Activities or classes?

A: All of the music offerings at FCHS, except for Stage Band, meet during school time, for credit, and are part of the curriculum.


Q: Which classes perform?

A: Band and Chorus are the only classes that perform. Music Appreciation and Beginning Guitar meet for class, but do not perform.


Q: I've heard that if I'm in Band, I don't have to be in P.E. Is that true?

A: Yes. The State of Illinois will exempt you from P.E. if you are in marching band. (it is part of the Band class).


Q: I've heard that the Performing Groups take too much time. Is that true?

A: No. Unlike some area High Schools all of FCHS' music groups do their work in class time. We have no extra rehearsals. However, once you sign up for a particular class, you are committing to showing up at a few Weekend events such as Contest or Concerts (on Sunday afternoons).




1 full credit (full-year class)


1 full credit (full-year class)

Music Appreciation

1/2 credit (one semester)

Beginning Guitar

1/2 credit (one semester)

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