Dear site visitor,

If you have a website that is (A) - having to do with another high school music department, (B) - are an FCHS music student (alumni also) with a Personal Webpage or (C) - a music-related webpage you would like to recommend, we would be glad to link it on this page. Just let the webmaster know by clicking here. Don't forget to include your site's address and a short description.


Related Websites

Freeburg Community High School District #77 - the official website of Freeburg High School and future home of this website.

The Band Nerds Webring - Are you a Band Nerd? Know any site that's run by one? Then you ought to check this out.

Illinois Music Educators Association - the official website of the Illinois Music Educators Association.

Demoulin Bros. & Co. - the band uniform company assisting us with the selection of the new band uniforms for 1999.

Other Music Departments

Belleville West Marching Maroons - the site for Belleville West High School's Band in our neighbor to the north, Belleville, Illinois. It's ran by Jared Kassebaum, a tenor player in the drumline. Click the banner below to visit the drumline's page.

Student/Alumni Pages

Phil's Piece of the Web - homepage of Phil Touchette, a senior in band and chorus.

Terie's Flute Page - homepage of Terie Allen, a flute-playing Class of 1998 Band Alumnist.

Will Felicity Cry?!? - A satirical look at the WB show Felicity... Ran by Andy Corcoran, a trombone in band.

Amber Haley's Page - Currently attending Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, Amber Haley is a Class of 1998 Band alumnist who still plays her oboe and other various instruments.