Music Department News

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APRIL, MAY, and June


June 3-11, 2000


This year, the band will be touring the Atlantic Northeast and New England for their Band Tour. The trip will include playing a local elementary schools, touring the cities of Boston and New York, and, of course, a trip to Cedar Point to top the trip off.

May 28, 2000

Memorial Day

The FCHS Band was once again invited to play at the Freeburg Community Memorial Day services held at the park. The service ran smoothly and the band did a terrific job.

April 29, 2000


The annual Spring Concert was performed today. Click here to read about it. To find out who won all the big awards, click here.


Band, Chorus, and Stage Band performed at the IHSA State Contest and the results from the contest are in. Click here to find out how we did.
