Random Links

Okay, there's not a whole lot of order to these pages, but I'm really trying to add some! Mostly this page is for me to have all my links in one place. Why not bookmark them? Because I have a computer at home and a computer at work. This can get me to where I "need" to be quickly. I don't promise that the links are all up to date all the time, but I keep a general eye on things. Let me know if you have problems! Enjoy!

Whoa...I hope this isn't too much organization, but it suddenly occurred to me that this site is for ME, and it's getting hard to navigate, so here I offer some quick links to different parts of the page.

Daily links

Nifty places

"Useless" Places (i.e., Trivia Places!)

Bizarre places




Colorblindness tests....Are YOU colorblind?
Many adults find out that they're colorblind...are you one of them?)

For Jane Austen Fanatics...You're not alone!
"Upon my word, Jane Austen is a literary genre in and of herself." - Scott Menghini

Vacations & Travel

Shopping Places

Best Viewed With Any Browser

A little helping hand for you techinept people out there, look up your technical terms here. (This includes IRC/Internet abbreviations.)

What am I forgetting? Oh yeah. Directions home. Remember, dinner is at five thirty. Don't be late. And wash up before you come to the table.

I can be reached by email at serene-@cheerful.com and by pony express.

Last modified: 29 April 2001 (previous modifications: 31 October 2000, 25 February 1998)

The views and opinion expressed on this page are strictly those of a deranged mind. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved of by the University of Minnesota or aliens from Mars. Nor will they ever be.