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WorldView 3 Test Site

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

What is a "Worldview"?

A worldview is a person's set of assumptions about
the basic makeup and nature of the world and universe.
A fully developed worldview gives answers to life's basic questions:

  • 1.) What is ultimately the prime reality? (...such as "God", or Matter/Energy)
  • 2.) What is the basic nature of the universe?
  • 3.) What is the basic nature and condition of man?
  • 4.) What happens to man at death?
  • 5.) What is the reason or basis of ethics and morality?

The Purpose of this Web Site is :
to help you test and choose a worldview which is
logically consistent and not self-contradictory,
but best accounts for the most facts of
reality, history, science and human experience.

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Directory to WorldView 3 Test Site

Truth-Tests for Worldviews
The Worldview of Naturalism (Materialism/Atheism)
The Worldview of Eastern Pantheism
The Worldview of PanENtheism
The Worldview of Biblical Theism

Science Issues:

Intelligent Design in Nature (A Mathematical Proof)
Intelligent Design of the Cosmos (A Mathematical Proof)
Intelligent Design of Earth as a Life-Support Planet
Evolution is Just Partly True
Origin of Life: Abiogenesis: Spontaneous Generation Redux
The Foundation of Modern Science... is The Biblical Worldview
Notable Inventions & Discoveries From the Past 800 Years
Science Facts Confirm the Bible
Links: Intelligent Design & Evolution v Creation Articles
$1,000,000 Prize for Abiogenesis (Origin of Life)

History & Prophecy Issues:

Predictions Prove the Bible's Power and Authority
Bible Predictions Being Fulfilled Today
The Koran (Quran) vs. The Bible: Compared Through Predictions
Archaeology Confirms Biblical History
Christ's Resurrection ...Fact or Fiction?
God the Savior
The Reliability of the New Testament Text
No Contradictions: 4 Gospels in Harmony

Socio-Political Issues:

Making Conscious Computers: Impossible
Principles for Support of a Politician or Party


The Second Coming of Christ and The Rapture
The Two Natures of Christ
The Sovereignty of God

How You Can Be Saved
What We Believe: Statement of Faith
Who We Are
Links to Other Biblical Apologetics Sites

Jared's Blog: "Critical Thinking"

Christian Discipleship Issues

For the Hobbyist Pin-Collector:

Lions Club International Trading Pins - by Harlan

This Site Last Updated on: March 10, 2008

Questions or Comments? :









