Charles W. Moore is a freelance writer, editor and syndicated columnist based in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia. His work has appeared in over 40 newspapers and magazines across Canada, in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia. He writes about:

Politics: (small-c conservative perspective)

Health and Wellness (especially alternative medicine)


Personal Investing

The Environment and Ecology


Military matters

Boating and Boatbuilding(power and sail)




The Ottawa Times; Editor-Atlantic Edition desk (freelance), columnist, correspondent, June 1996 - present.

The Fredericton Daily Gleaner; Columnist, April 1997 - present.

Continental Features Syndicate/Continental News Service (U.S.A.):

syndicated columnist; October 1995-present.

The Guysborough Journal; columnist, feature writer, July 1994-present.

Atlantic Fisherman: columnist and Contributing Editor (freelance); 1987 -present

Spray magazine: columnist, feature writer, former Associate Editor; Feb. 1992-Oct. 1996

Power Boating Canada magazine: feature writer, technical writer, 1995-1997.

Ocean Resources magazine: Feature writer, former Copy Editor; Sept. 1992-Oct. 1996

Canadian Saltwater Sportfishing magazine: feature writer, former Associate Editor; 1992-1996

Halifax Dartmouth Metro Weekly: columnist, feature writer; July 1993-Jan. 1996.

Guysborough Gazette: columnist, feature writer; 1991-1993

Dalhousie Gazette: columnist, feature writer; 1971-'73

Mr. Moore's work has appeared in Gravitas magazine; Canadian Business magazine; Paddler magazine (U.S.A.); Professional BoatBuilder magazine (U.S.A.); Canadian Yachting magazine; Fishing Boat World magazine (U.K./Australia); Westcoast Fisherman magazine; WestCoast Mariner magazine; WoodCuts magazine; The Interim; Natural Life magazine; Rural Delivery magazine; Atlantic Forestry magazine; ChristianWeek; Western Catholic Reporter; From The Right; The Health Post magazine; MacroChef magazine (U.S.A.); Southender magazine; SARscene magazine; The Stanstead Journal; The Ottawa Citizen; The Toronto Star; The Calgary Herald; Quest Magazine; Dialogue; Micmac Maliseet Nations News; The Port Hawkesbury Reporter; The Pictou Advocate; The Halifax Chronicle Herald/Mail Star; and others.





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