Theory--- If one looks to the Christian beliefs, they will find that one features symbol of the religion is the dove. The reason being not the pacifism of the dove- for neither the dove nor the christian are passive creatures. The true reason for the symbol of the dove is the relation of ignorance between the two beings. The dove is an ignorant creature with a small brain and an even smaller capacity to use that brain. Out of the two doves of my ownership, one cannot fly free without flying into some object. Be it a wall, a ceiling, a light, this dove does not know how to fly without knocking itself out. The other dove is even in stupidity. This dove gets so scared perching on the finger that it forgets he has has legs and wings and just falls over. I've seen other similar acts of ignorance in other doves. Doves are also not passive. They attack other doves not of aquaintance by pecking, chasing and flapping their wings. So similar is the christian mind, it is scarey. The christian "missionary" is so stupid, it does not understand average vocabulary such as "no thanks," "I'm not interested," or "I have other beliefs." They are so well trained- like a pet, that they use mental recordings to speak- which is why they do not understand basic vocabulary. Would you be interested in Bible study? (NO!) How about if I read a passage from the Bible to you? (NO!) Would you like a pamphlet? (NO!) Can I pray for you? (NO!) Would you be interested in Bible study? (NO!)... And on and on the circle goes. Luckily, their ignorance allows, much like with the dove, that they flee if one screams or yells. Which may be the only armor one has from the christian. As much as any christian is dumb, the born- again is often times the most dumb. They show much stronger lack of thought. This is due to tryingto make up for all the missed chances of the past to act as a christian would. After this make up has been made up, 5 to 10 years, the born- again christian begins to act as the average christian. Which is BETTER. There is proof that christian types show ability to be smart. This is found in recovering christians. These are simly people who were raised by the ignorant and chose to arise from that status. Ignorant creatures not born into a christian family or who tried to be smart have also been known to lower themselves to their equal status of christian too. This would be the born- again christian. As much as the dove acts violent out of ignorance, so does the christian. Their violent acts need not be explained to those familiar with christian history. From the Crusades to the Inquisition. From Imperialism (white man's burden) to slavery. Even modern acts such as "gay bashing" and bombing abortion clinics and the battles between Northern Ireland and England. Through all these acts and others, the christian has declared virtual genocide on any non- christian to live. The boy Scouts of America, denying membership to females, homosexuals, and atheists, is another good example of their ignorance and violence. Conclusion--- The christian was tagged with the symbol of the dove as a warning sign. To warn the public that although they may appear nice on the outside, they are truly evil beings on the inside. The idea of peace as the true symbol was made as a cover up against the christians. In conclusion, take heed of the warning and pass it on to those who are not of the christian type. It is strongly suggested that christians are dangerous for company and for the whole of the human race.