Me, it is I. And who am I? I am a revolutionary. Not because I bomb buildings or use hallucinogens to search for the unseen. I am a revolutionary because I hope. I hope for that which my parents never thought of. I hope for equality. To put an immediate end to racism, sexism, classism, agism, homophobia, specism, every form of public hatred. I hope for unity- the right to stand tall with my fellow peers. To accomplish that which we never had. For two is stronger than one and a million is stronger than two. I hope to make a differnece- doesn't everybody? I hope to kill the fear on the streets, that a bot won't be fearful should he walk in the wrong neighborhood, that a woman may be stronger knowing she won't be raped. I hope to demolish capitolism because no matter how good it is at the top, poverty always sucks.
I hope for a wonderful world full of love and honour, respect and compassion, joy and freedom. I hope to demolish the stereotype called "Generation X."