Yes, I must say that is true, in any society where one groups oppresses another, there is pain on both sides. Just because the plight of the minorities is more obvious, doesn't mean that the powers aren't hurt more. Indeed, I believe that it may even hurt more, because nobody sees it. What we don't know will hurt us, don't ever believe otherwise. Can't you just picture the shit the males go through too? Women have been oppressed by given the lesser role, do the housework, care for children, little or no legal rights, discrimination in the workplace, etc, etc, etc. Men on the other hand are given the role of always looking up to something that is deemed perfect. Men have the job of being perfect. This is especially obvious in highly religious people, where they must look up to a male figure that they will never be as good as. With men though, they grow up being told that they musn't cry or feel pain. That they must be strong and successful. That they must be the Man... Just picture the plight to the man who longs to be an artist or hairstylist. Men can't do something that is considered feminine, they'd be ostrasized. And if they do something no matter what their family and friends say, they will definately be discriminated in other fashions, maybe they won't get the job or their lover will leave them. Why do you think it is more socially acceptable for a woman to be a lesbian than it is for a man to be gay? Because a lesbian barely loses their gender, they are still a woman. But a gay man has lost their gender role in most cases. They are no longer a man, they are gay. As if it is an actual third gender role. I am perfectly sympathetic towards my own sex, but I must never forget that men have been hurt by patriarchy also. If I do forget my compassion towards the sacredness of the living, then I am no worse than the enemy.