My Ego Awaits

Below are pictures of me and some friends.

This picture is my friends Annica, Angela, and I

These are My two friends Shahram and Travis kissing --- no they are not gay

this is the two persian brothers, Shahab and Shahram

I love to listen to music also. I really like Crass, KMFDM, Einstuerzende Neubauten, Skinny Puppy, Laibach, POison Girls, Conflict, Dirt, Zounds, and old, old, old Chumbawumba.

wanna see me art, matie? argh!

One last picture. This is me and my old car, the chode mobile, Claudia, My little Claudette. I had to donate her to a school auto shop...She was old and tired, a retired race car. If anybody see's this who might have run across her, please take good care of her, she was- still is my pride and joy....

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