Nature Vs. Nurture

This essay was written for a list serve that i am courrently a part of called mujeres libres. I plan to come back in to work on changing this and cleaning it up a bit as time allows though.

I'm not inclined to start up some sort of arguement at this time, but I must say, as one highly interested in gender relations and society, that I'd like to add my ideas as to whether sexist behavior and actions (mainly meaning acting the part of your sex) in inborn or learned. Some say that nature makes us female or male and some say that nurture (the way we are raised) makes us female or male. Even scholars, sociologists, historian, psychologists and the like cannot agree. Do you want to why, because it is not one or the other, dammit, it is both! Studies have shown that baby girls act differently that baby boys, but even those studies barely show a thing, sinse we are shown sexist treatment at a young age. What proves this case for nature has been shown rather clearly in a documentary I saw in a gender studies class a while back. In this show, they showed children, born hermaphrodite, who were raised as one sex and hermaphrodite children who went through surgery to make one complete sex. They showed how the children were treaeted as one entire sex their whole life. Many of these people never knew the way they had been born until late in life. These people knew from a young age that something was wrong though. Some were 'given' the appropriate sex, but some were not. And it was the children who were not that had hard childhoods with few friends and had a hard time with sexual identity through out their teen years. It was these same people who felt they were homosexual also. They knew inside what they were. But it has also been shown that people are treated much differently according to their sex. For instance, I always love this example, in mixed groups, it has been shown that men cut off women more, that women talk passively (such as using "don't you think so" or "I may be wrong but..." in their sentences), women also speak much less, indeed, women who talk more than the men in the group or more loudly, are often ignored, put down, or left alone. When I first found this out, I barely believed it. THen i went out with some friends. I found myself being ignored whenever i opened my mouth or cut off my someone else. Friends took my words less seriously than my friend Travis' words. I see it all the time. It is also very evident in children. Parents talk more to their boys, encouraging them to talk back, walk, reach for their goals. Girls are more likely to be picked up when they cry, teaching boys that they must be more aggressive in order to get what they want. It goes on and on. THe way i look at it is, there are differneces in the sexes, for better or worse. There are differences in each individual too. We should never deny that individuality in the sexes, races, and so forth. To do so would only demean. Didn't anyone learn anything from books such as 1984 or We, or Anthem? Come on. There is a differnence between conformity and unity. Unity sees the differences and respects each individual for them. There is a reason for the two sexes. Women can achieve things that men might not be able to, and vice versa. Otherwise, what the hell is the reason for two sexes? I'm sure the reproductive part could've been figured out another way.

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