Chodal Proclamations

As a result of a harddrive failure, all current docments of the Chodal Revival have been lost. Luckily, the more important dates were remembered, but there are still a few uncertain names and dates... Not much to do about it except work with what I have and try to remember the rest. Thank you for understanding.

Official Dates of the Chode

February 19, 1997- Joe underwent training to become a chode god. Within a month he was found unfit due to personal, legal, and emotional problems. February 27, 1998- Angela Michelle underwent training to become a chode goddess. Within a month she was found unfit due to a lack of faith. April 4- The festival of the chode. It was traditionally celebrated during the spring equinox and began at sunset on the first day, ending at sunset of the next day of the equinox. Today, due to modern day calenders and better ease, the festival of the chode has been officially called to April 4. The festival of the chode is the new year. There are no exact methods of celebration. Instead, it is the duty of each and every chodist to form their own personal beauty through their own personal tradition. September 14- The day of the chode. This is holiday which was added at the beginning of the Chodal Revival. Again, there are no excact traditions to this holiday. What the Great Chode asks of this day is personal joy among all Her children. Enjoyment of the chode and of life. September 14, 1995- On this day, the Great Chode revealed Herself to Her first two prophets. This was also the beginning of the Chodal Revival.

Official Prophets of the Chodal Revival

Official Chode Slaves of the Chodal Revival

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