meaningless irrelevancy.....

I'm not always sure what part of me is real, or whether that part is dying.
What is this taste in my mouth?

Now the ink is watery and it needn't have been made so.

decided: If life improves, God ought to exist.

Men gone down to the sea in ships -- what a wonderful, 1950's newspaper-packed nostalgic old-book-smelling slightly-faded phrase. The picture of the past before the hues were wholly lifelike. That's very much the picture of men going down to the sea in ships. Help yourself to a bit of what is all around you...

Unreal citté. Tchaikovsky Symphony number five in e-moll.

It all comes back to me in a flash of symmetry...
Here we go, and I imagine myself on a peak in Darien. And then come Stamford, Cos Cob. Stout Cortez on a peak in Cos Cob.

The only way is...what?

What have we given?
Make us and unmake us.
Or don't.
See if we care, O Lord Creator.
Make us and remake us.
Remake us and unmake us.
Unmake us and unmake us.
Make us and leave us be.
Leave us.
Or don't.
See if we care, O Lord Creator.
        · · ·

Give a reading from the dear old Epi-Tome:
"Of all the things that have been, and
 of all the things that shall be,
 I am Alpha and Omega
 (He the source the ending He)."

existencialismo. s. filosofía basada en la idea de que el ser humano da significado a su vida con sus decisiones y acciones.
Angry peasants carry shovels, rakes, and any other weapons they can find.
A British imperialist, Joseph Chamberlain, presented a speech to Parliament. These 11 families were called orejones, "Big Ears," because of the large plugs they wore in their earlobes.
The dear old Epi-Tome.

absently alliterating

"Dan, you're a messy person." -Megha Reddy, 1:30 am 23 January 2755 AUC.

I don't know why I ---- -- ---- ---- ---
who can ever really tell-
it's a funny scene playing out on the stairs
I just thought I'd let you know-
such things are good to know.


He was so very alive.

man and his cymbals...e-day

In April when the Christ-flower blooms,
and stoops lows with heavy tears...

a barrage of thread birds

the wind's not blowing is a sign

the field is barren
who will arm and go with me?
good luck man good bye
    · · ·
Alleluia. Allelui...a.
The widening gyre
The mouse of destiny
Destiny itself (herself)

Here I am, safe at home
but I'm not happy
Here I am safe at home
but you're not here.

You are there, safe at home
but are you happy?
There you are safe at home
but I'm not there.