Tip Index

Time Management


Health & Fitness

Sandie's Helpful Hints

A page for all the Superwomen out there--
Meeting everyone's needs and trying to have the time to at least recognize their own!
    Time Management Tips

    "Do not squander time, for that is the stuff that life is made of."--Benjamin Franklin

  1. Stock up on greeting cards for all occasions. This saves countless trips to the card shop!
  2. Plan shopping so that you never run to the store for just one thing. Also, never take just one item to the dry cleaners--wait until you have two or three things that need done.
  3. If you work or have plans early in the morning, make sure your keys, purse, and kid's school stuff (homework included) are in an easy to locate place the night before.
  4. Get up thirty minutes (or even fifteen minutes earlier) to avoid feeling rushed and frazzled in the mornings.
  5. Organization counts! Work on one corner of a room each day and don't forget to reward yourself for a job well done.
  6. Keep all occasion gift-wrap, tape, scissors, bows, cards and other gift-wrapping necessities for year-round use.
  7. Do your most difficult or demanding work at your peak energy hours, whatever they might be!
  8. Open mail near a trash can. You can throw that junk away immediately!
  9. Plan your day with only two or three major priorities. It's much less discouraging that a "to-do" list that runs for miles.
  10. And Sandie's Most Important Time Tip:
  11. Never give your toddler a bologna and cheese sandwich in the bathtub in order to save time. Trust me on this.
  12. Return to Tip Index

    Household Hints

    "The Rose Bowl is the only one I've ever seen that I didn't have to clean."--Erma Bombeck

  13. For a festive scent, sprinkle cinnamon on aluminum foil and place it it a hot oven, leaving the door open. The smell will permeate the house
  14. A mixture of half bleach/half water will remove mold and mildew from grout. Be sure to open windows or provide good ventilation, though.
  15. Baking soda is a miricle substance--it can be used as a non-abrasive cleaner for stainless steel, chrome and pots and pans as well as a refrigerator deoderizer, a hair clarifier (rub into wet hair, rinse and apply conditioner--this really works), and a soothing bath additive.
  16. Heat lemons before squeezing for double the amount of juice.
  17. To peel garlic cloves easily, heat in the microwave for 15 seconds. The peel just slides right off!
  18. Sprinkling a little salt in your frying pan will help prevent grease splatters.
  19. To clean candlesticks that have wax dripped on them, put them in the freezer until the wax freezes. The wax should peel right off!
  20. To make band-aid removal truly "ouchless", rub mineral or baby oil on it first.
  21. Chop hard-boiled eggs with a pizza cutter--it's much easier!
  22. And Sandie's Most Important Household Hint

  23. Martha Stewart lives in Connecticut and probably won't be dropping by. Give yourself a break!
  24. Return to Tip Index

    Health and Fitness Tips

    "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you'd rather not"--Mark Twain.

  25. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. It rehydrates your skin, flushes your system of toxins and gives you 8 excuses a day to get out of the office.
  26. When possible and practical, take the stairs instead of the elevator
  27. If you hate to exercise, look for alternatives--dancing, housework, and yard work all burn calories and you can avoid those 50 jumping jacks!
  28. Make sure to have the proper shoes for the exercise activity to avoid stress injuries to the knees and ankles.
  29. Visit your dentist every six months and your doctor once a year--whether you need to or not
  30. Go to bed at approximately the same time every night and get up at approximately the same time each morning to set your body clock for a good nights sleep every night. (Either that, or get a two-year old to set your schedule for you!)
  31. Wear sunblock with an SPF of 15 when working or playing in the sun
  32. Remember that relaxation is part of good health--enjoy recreational activities, hobbies, and other interests whenever possible. All work and no play, etc., etc., etc.
  33. Pay attention to your diet and make informed decisions about what foods you put into your body.
  34. And Sandie's Most Useful Health and Fitness Tip:

  35. Remember that channel surfing burns 4 (count 'em--4) calories an hour. One good weekend of channel surfing and you can afford to eat that Triscit!

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