Poems, Verse & Me

Welcome to DeepCobra's Lair

Come See Me

Deep Cobra

Eyes peer deep inside of you
Into your soul, the vortex through
Leaving poison as a trail
A substance to penetrate the mind so well
The question here, do you know you?
Are you shallow, or deep to?
Can you rise your mental state?
Or are you influence, by what others dictate?

I am the Cobra, not to sting, just to bite.
Please read the venom, the truth, strong as might.
Watch my back widen, a second of fear.
As I will bring freedom, from what society shares
My heart is pure, my soul is bold.
The image of darkness shall let you unfold.
Peer your eyes now, so deep inside me
And you'll feel the Cobra, from underneath be.

Mervyn R. Seivwright

" Welcome to the internal journey of your Mind. WAKE UP!"

Page Links

This Month's Literature is:

As I Look Down

In Memory of James Byrd Junior of Jasper Texas

As I look down

As I look down,
I thank the lord for sparing me to peace
As I look down,
I got to see my body on the street
As I look down,
My feelings are real mixed, not pure
As I look down,
What had I done, a torn up corpse, that seemed like a settled score
As I look down,
Joy misunderstood the images of their face
As I look down,
I felt their souls & I couldn't feel disgrace
As I look down,
Could hatred of my race cause this bloody mangled scene?
As I look down,
No justice is fair, only through the Lord will justice be redeemed
As I look down,
I see the tears that flood the eyes that weep for me.
As I look down,
Don't shed your tears, from racism, I am set free.
As I look down,
I see the country, shocked in every place
As I look down,
You don't see the others that were killed from present hate for my race.
As I look down,
I see the loud talking, but the youth need action for a future free.
As I look down,
Just one more time, I leave this question on your mind.
When will race just be left out?
A human, friend, brother or sister,
in Christ you'll seek & find.

-Mervyn R. Seivwright-
Copyrighted © Poem 1998

More Pieces from Deep Cobra

Image to Blackness

Born Black Die Black
Black Women
Who Decides
This is My Community
Wake Up Your Mind!
Why Are We So Cruel?
African Princess

Internal Me

Surround Me Is Me
Mirror Dimension
A Hand in a Glove
Seer of Minds

Copyrighted © Poems 1998

Featured Monthly Poet: Nikki Giovanni

Zoom to Nikki Giovanni Poetic Works

Other Literature Links
Zoom to Recursive Angel
Zoom to African American Literature

Monthly Memory Verse

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil;
cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in
brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor,
serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need.
Romans 12 : 9-13

Poems of Verse

Agape Love
Loneliness To Man

Promise Keepers

I am a brother that is seeking God's Light.
Through his blessings I have many things to profess about.
One of these thing is Promise Keepers.
Please, I invite you into this link, so you can also seek this mission of accountability.
Zoom to Promise Keepers

Dedication To My Mom

My mummy and us

My mother lived 14 Noveber 1950 to 5 May 1996.
To you eternal I let my mind and love flow.
These poems I wrote with her in mind.

November the Fourteenth

Roots & Culture

My name is Mervyn R. Seivwright, born 20 October, 1970 in London,
England to Jamaican parents. I have been writing poetry about 12 years.
I live in Fort Walton Beach FL, but have grown up throughout the world.
The one thing I am proud of is my culture.
Here, share my world & see my culture through your eyes:
Zoom to Jamaica a website of culture

For those that enjoy reggae, and have problem finding it where you live try here:
Zoom to Reggae
Another Reggae Site
Even another Reggae Site


This is how serious I take fitness

I very active in sports like track or road races, weight lifting, and soccer.
I, in the past year started competing in Bench Press competition for fun.

Bench Press Competition History

Hurlburt Field FL Aug'97, 3rd at 325lbs
Eglin AFB FL Mar'98, 2nd at 340lbs
Pensacola NAS FL Jul'98, 1st at 365lbs

Pensonal Numbers: Bench Press 385lbs, Dead Lift 500lbs, Squat 485lbs

Being from in England I grew up loving the fast pace, endurance game
that is loved by the world. This year is special that once every four years
there is a tournament of the best. This is called the World Cup,
being held in France this year in Jun. If you interested...go ahead.... look...
Zoom to World Cup Live

My interests are:
Soccer, Poetry, My God.

The description of my page is:
Expression of the Mind
Poetry from the Soul
Real life Issues

Email me at blkmajic13@yahoo.com for comments on the Literature
Or Just Let Your Mind Flow

Please come back soon and visit me.
Viewer since 10 May 98
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