The Personality

Helping you to understand yourself and others better


Have you ever wondered why some people act and think in different ways from you? Have you noticed that things which some people find easy are difficult for others, and vice versa? Do people sometimes infuriate you with the things they do? Do you find them hard to understand? If you've ever had any thoughts along these lines, it sounds as though you are taking a great interest in personality types, because these will explain a lot of the points which can confuse you.

Personality types, first introduced by Carl Jung, show that individuals have a pattern to their behaviour. Different types of people have different patterns but when we recognise the patterns this gives us some logic in understanding ourselves and those around us.

There have been a number of discoveries during this century, and one of these has been that people are different in four fundamental ways: in the ways we respond to the world around us, in the ways we take in information, in the ways we act on that information and in the type of lifestyle we choose. These differences may sound somewhat abstract, but they can be explained in specific and practical ways. As these differences are based on four pairs of opposite characteristics this makes it easier for us to understand them.

I have worked with personality for over fifteen years, and have written a book, Understanding your Personality, which will help you recognise your strengths and where you can use them.

In 1991 I developed a questionnaire to help people discover their personality type and temperament. This is available on disk as the Personality Discovery Questionnaire, and it also carries some general information about personality differences. Five years later the questionnaire was updated and released as the first in a series of programmes which specialised in looking at the way personality specifically relates to particular situations and circumstances as well as containing the basic information from the original disk.
The first is The Personality Development Questionnaire for Work, released in 1996. This shows how your personality strengths can be used at work and how you can learn to avoid conflict in the work place.

Four more programmes were released during the next 12 months. The first one was the Personality Discovery Questionnaire Programme for Teachers. This has a mass of specific information about different teaching styles and how these relate to pupils' learning styles. This was followed by the Personality Discovery Programme for Older Pupils (14+) which has a range of information on it about pupils' lifestyles, interests, and learning and work patterns.

The Personality Discovery Questionnaire Programme for Couples explains why we are attracted to opposite types of partners, and why we sometimes have conflicts with one another. And the Personality Discovery Questionnaire Programme for Families, which holds information about differences between parents and their children, explains how it is possible to consider the needs of everyone in the family.

It is very useful to be able to understand personality types as it explains a lot about the people we interact with every day. If we are very different from members of our family, workmates or our partners, for instance, we can find it very frustrating until we understand WHY they act the way they do and realize that they aren't being deliberately difficult!

The Personality Discovery Questionnaire : Understanding your Personality
Sample Questions : Programmes : Personality Discovery :
Mensan Personality Discovery  : Useful Links

To contact us:

Patricia Hedges
52 Entry Hill
Bath, BA2 5LU, United Kingdom


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