Societas internationalis pro Vivario

Contact us at or write to the street address: Cornoleo 24, 36100 VICENZA (Italy).

The Societas internationalis pro Vivario fosters, in an international and interdisciplinary context, the study of Cassiodorus and his times. The work of the Societas entails research on the geographical environment of the monastic foundations of Cassiodorus, conventionally called "Vivarium." The Societas also studies Cassiodorus' Nachleben, the transmission of his works, and the evidence for the cult of beatus Cassiodorus throughout the centuries.

Officers: President, Fabio TRONCARELLI (Rome) (in photo above); Vice-president, Daibhi O'Croinin (Galway); Secretary-Treasurer, Luciana CUPPO CSAKI (Vicenza).

Editorial policy for this website: Unless signed by the author, the entries on this website are contributed by the secretary of the Societas. The opinions expressed are her own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Societas; mistakes are most definitely her own and should not be attributed to anyone else.

CENTRE FOR MEDIAEVAL STUDIES LEONARD BOYLE, VICENZA: A venue for medievalists and medievalists-to-be. Read more.

ELECTRONIC PALAEOGRAPHY: Initiated by Fabio Troncarelli. An ongoing bibliography of publications on medieval palaeography that continues Medieval Latin Palaeography (MLP) of Leonard E. Boyle, O.P. In memoriam.

Electronic Palaeography maintains the sevenfold division devised by Leonard Boyle for MLP. Clic here for general indications on the numbering system or directly on the pertinent links to view each section.

1. Scholarly setting (continues MLP 1-446): general works.
2. Cultural setting (continues MLP 447-515): Greek and other writing.
   Cultural setting (continues MLP 516-1305): Latin writing, pre-Carolingian to Humanistic.
3. Institutional setting (continues MLP 1306-1426): libraries and archives, ancient catalogues, book trade.
   Institutional setting (continues MLP 1427-1510): Modern catalogues of medieval and Renaissance libraries.
4. Physical setting (continues MLP 1511-1665): form and matter, tools, dating, localizing.
5. Human setting (continues MLP 1666-1868): scribes, hands, ornamentation and painting.
6. Textual setting (continues MLP 1869-2091): transmission and tradition, editing a text.
7. Research setting (continues MLP 2092-2207): Latin language, historical aids, diplomatics.

MANUSCRIPT STUDIES - Click here for a paper on codex Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare XXII.

SELECT ABSTRACTS - Abstracts of papers read at scholarly gatherings by Samuel Barnish, Marlene Breu and Roberto Marchesi, Steven Csaki, Luciana Cuppo, Maria Christine Grafinger.


Biography and writings of Marcello Loewy-Labor
[queste pagine sono prevalentemente in italiano]

Now available Vivarium in Context
. Essays by Sam BARNISH, Lellia CRACCO RUGGINI, Luciana CUPPO, Ronald MARCHESE and Marlene BREU.

The gentleman in the photo is Elvio Buriola, for many years chief of staff of the Vatican Library. Countless - and priceless - codices have gone through his hands since he began his service at the library in the reign of Pope Pius XII. "I regarded it as a mission," he once said of his work. His smile, that welcomed library users from far corners of the world, is a good omen for a link on books.

[L'uomo nella foto è Elvio Buriola, per molti anni caposervizio della Biblioteca Apostolica Vatican. Innumerevoli e preziosi codici sono passati tra le sue mani, da quando egli iniziò il suo servizio alla biblioteca, durante il pontificato di Pio XII. "L'ho considerato una missione," disse una volta del suo lavoro. Il suo sorriso, che accoglieva frequentatori della biblioteca venuti da ogni parte del mondo, è di buon augurio per un link su novita' librarie].

Now available: La catechesi aquileiese nel IV secolo. On Chromatius of Aquileia and his work, by Vittorio Cian. See the abstract in Books etc.. Order from the Centre for Medieval Studies Leonard Boyle.
LATINO PROPEDEUTICO: Sintassi latina Modulo C (Università di Trento). So far the following links are available:
Lezione 1, Lezione 2, Lezione 3, Lezione 4, Lezione 5, Lezione 6, Lezione 7, Lezzione 8, Lezione 9, Lezione 10. These pages are in Italian, but a translation to English will be provided upon request (email to: Latinonline).

SANTA MARIA DE VETERE - After long years, the former chapel of Santa Maria de Vetere (now a landmark building according to Italian law, but falling apart, and used by the previous owners as shed for farm tools) has been recognized as the property of the Bocchino family. Click here for a sketch of the history of S. Maria de Vetere and the current developments of the site: the Bocchinos plan to restore the building and to turn it into a museum with facilities for lectures or classes. A family restaurant is already on the property, a few steps from the Ionian beach. For additional information contact Ristorante BOCCHINO - S. Maria de Vetere - 88069 Stalettė (Catanzaro, Italy) - Tel. (0961) 91 13 53.

SITE OF VIVARIUM - An update on preservation efforts by the Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Ambientali e Paesaggistici of the Italian Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali; also developments on survey and recognition at the proposed site of Vivarium (Coscia di Stalettė, banks of the Alessi River and Villa Ciluzzi, townships of Squillace and Stalettė, Calabria, Italy).

ARCHIVES - View the past Newsletters (2000-2005), Bulletin Board (2000-2005),Medieval Studies in Italy (past courses and tutorials, 2000-2005.


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