Electronic Palaeography: A New Bibliographical Website
In memoriam: Leonard Boyle, O. P.

Like woman’s work, a bibliographer’s job is never done. The Italian edition of Leonard Boyle’s Medieval Latin Palaeography (Paleografia latina medievale) appeared in 1999 with a hefty supplement (484 entries) 1982-1998 and an introduction by Fabio Troncarelli. Some additional 1,200 entries are still unpublished. As new works appear in print, their number keeps increasing.

In a memorial essay on St. Dominic, Leonard Boyle (www.op.org/DomCentral/trad/) had once written that after the death of their founder the brethren "saw no particular reason to make a fuss over him, but got on instead with the job he had given them to do" ("The Death of St. Dominic in 1221: An Anniversary Note." Doctrine and Life 21, 1971, 438-46). Shortly before his death, Father Boyle mentioned his ongoing "fourteen different projects, all posthumous." It was truth said in jest. As it was fit for his founder, so is it a fitting tribute to the memory of Leonard Boyle to get on with the work that he wanted done and needs to be done.

In order to make a current bibliography of medieval palaeographical publications available to anyone interested, the 1,200 existing entries and future ones will be housed in Electronic Palaeography, a new page generated by the Societas internationalis pro Vivario. The director is Fabio Troncarelli.

This bibliography is being edited. Thanks for your patience.

The titles of Electronic Palaeography will be divided as follows:

1. Scholarly setting: opere generali
2(a). Cultural setting: Writing in General, Greek and Other Writing, Latin to pre-Carolingian
2(b). Cultural setting: Latin Writing from pre-Carolingian to Humanistic Culture and Beyond
3a. Institutional setting: le istituzioni
3b. Institutional setting: Modern catalogues of medieval and Renaissance Libraries
4. Physical setting: l'elemento materiale
5. The human setting: l'elemento umano
6. Textual setting: il supporto testuale
7. Research setting: strumenti per la ricerca

Each title is preceded by a number in bold print, which refers to the corresponding entry in Medieval Latin Palaeography, and another number, which follows in sequence the numeration given by Fabio Troncarelli to the titles in 'Supplemento 1982-1998', Paleografia latina medievale pp.349-407. The last title of the 'Supplemento' was number 2691, therefore the first one in Electronic Palaeography will be number 2691a.

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Updated: May 13, 2000

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