(Boyle MLP 1-446)

Two sets of numbers are given for each entry. The first may be found useful for short titles (e.g. 'ElPal 2694' may be used for the entry on Paul Kristeller and S. Kraemer, Latin Manuscript Books before 1600). The number(s) in parenthesis and bold print are cross-references to Boyle's Medieval Latin Palaeography and/or Troncarelli's Paleografia latina medievale.

(Boyle MLP 1-27)

2691a (27)
Litterae Caelestes (Rome 2004- )
A journal of integral palaeography. Succeeds Scrittura e civilta, whose last issue was announced in 2001. Cited as LC.
Segno e testo (Turnhout 2003- )
An experimental journal of manuscript studies, from manufacturing techniques to illumination and from ancient Greece to Byzantine humanism. Cited as ST.

Bibliographies: bibliografie

2692 (8)
Jemolo, V., Merolla, L., Palma, M., Trasselli, F. Bibliografia dei manoscritti sessoriani (Roma 1987).
2693 (8)
Ceresa, M., Bibliografia dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana (1981-1985) (Città del Vaticano 1991).
2693a (12)
Zotter, H. and . Bibliographie faksimilierter andschriften. 2nd edition (Graz 1995). Prefaced by a survey of developments in the publication of facsimiles since 1976:
2694 (1430)
Kristeller, P.O. and Krämer, S., Latin Manuscript Books before 1600. A List of Printed Catalogues and Unpublished Inventories of Extant Collections. Fourth Revised and Enlarged Edition (München 1993).
2695 (1430)
Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana, I :I luglio 1990-30 giugno 1993 (Roma 1993); II:1 luglio 1993-31 maggio 1994 (Roma 1994); III:1 giugno 1994-31 maggio 1995 (Roma 1995); IV: 1 giugno 1995-31 maggio 1996 (Roma 1996);V. 1 giugno 1996-31 maggio 1997 (Roma 1997); VI:1 giugno 1997-31 maggio 1998 (Roma 1998).
2696 (12)
ON LINE: L’aggiornamento della bibliografia è consultabile presso il sito internet della Scuola di Specializzazione per Conservatori di Beni Librari ed archivistici di Cassino, all’indirizzo URL:
2697 (8)
Buonocore, M., Bibliografia retrospettiva dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana (Città del Vaticano 1994).

Miscellanies: miscellanee
(Boyle MLP 28-70)

2697b (66a)
Actas del VIII Coloquio del Comite International de Paleografia latina (Madrid-Toledo 29 setiembre-1 octubre 1987), ed. M. C. Diaz y Diaz (Madrid 1990). Essays by F. Gasparri, M. Palma, J, Vezin, J. J. John, and A. Canellas Lopez.
Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae I-IV, ed. M. Buonocore (Vatican City 1987-1990).
2698 (46)
Brown, Jacqueline and Stoneman, William P., eds., A Distinct Voice: Medieval Studies in Honor of Leonard E. Boyle, O.P. (Notre Dame, Indiana, 1997)
2699 (46)
Hamesse, J., ed., Roma magistra mundi: Itineraria culturae medievalis. Melanges offerts au Pere L. E. Boyle a l'occasion de son 75e anniversaire , 3 vols. Textes et Etudes du Moyen Age 10 (Louvain-la-Neuve 1998). See the table of contents at
2700 (46)
Roden, Marie-Louise, ed., Ab Aquilone: Nordic Studies in Honour and Memory of L. E. Boyle, O.P. (Stockholm-Rome 2000)
Boyle, Leonard E., O.P., Integral Palaeography (Louvain-la-Neuve 2001). Collected essays with an introduction by Fabio Troncarelli. Though the publisher's blurb failed to notice, according to Boyle 'at the centre [of integral palaeography] is a text which one must make to communicate as completely as possible' (MLP p. xv).

History of Scholarship/Storia degli studi paleografici

2701 (86)
Cento anni di cammino. Scuola vaticana di paleografia, diplomatica e archivistica(1884-1984), ed. T. Natalini (Città del Vaticano 1986).
2702 (81)
Un secolo di paleografia e diplomatica(1887-1986). Per il centenario dell'Istituto di Paleografia dell'Università di Roma, ed. A. Petrucci and A. Pratesi (Roma 1988).
2703 (80)
Per Emanuele Casamassima, "Medioevo e Rinascimento" n.s. II (1991) 103-209.
2704 (80)
Supino Martini, P. Il contributo allo studio delle testimonianze manoscritte delle istituzioni culturali romane dei secoli XVIII e XIX, in Erudición y discurso histórico: las instituciones europeas(s. XVIII-XIX), ed. F. Gimeno Blay (València 1993) 35-49.
2705 (77)
Frioli, D. and Varanini, G.M. , ‘Insegnare paleografia alla fine dell’Ottocento. Alcune lezioni di Carlo Cipolla(1883 e 1892),’ Scrittura e Civiltà XX(1996) 367-398.
2706 (73)
Petrucci, A. Una lettera di Scipione Maffei, ibid. 359-366.
2707 (77)
Testimonianze per un maestro. Ricordo di Augusto Campana, Roma 15-16 Dicembre 1995, ed. R. Avesani (Roma 1997).

Manuals/Manuali (MLP 134-159)

2708 (159)
Bischoff, B. Paléographie de l’Antiquité romaine et du Moyen Age occidental, trad. H. Hatsma and J. Vezin (Paris 1985).
2709 (159)
Bischoff, B. Paleografia latina. Antichità e Medioevo, G. P. Mantovani and S. Zamponi, eds. (Padova 1992). Con aggiornamento bibliografico.
2710 (152)
Petrucci, Armando Breve storia della scrittura latina (Roma 1992).
2710a (145)
Löffler, Karl, and Milde, Wolfgang, Einführung in die Handschriftenkunde (Stuttgart 1997). Revised and augmented edition of the manual published in 1929. Additions include an index of places, persons, and manuscripts, and a codicological introduction. 2711 (158)
Gasparri, F. Introduction à l’histoire de l’écriture (Louvain-la-Neuve 1994).
2712 (158)
Stiennon, J. L’écriture (Turnhout 1995).
2713 (152)
Cencetti, G. Lineamenti di storia della scrittura latina. Ristampa con indice dei manoscritti e aggiornamento bibliografico, ed. G. Guerrini Ferri (Bologna 1997).

Online Palaeography/Introduzioni alla Paleografia On Line

2713a (444)
Steffens, Franz. Paléographie latine.Splendid online edition of the French version (Paris-Trier 1910) by the Italian Ministero per i Beni Culturali. 125 plates with transcription and commentary. A must for teaching and self-teaching palaeography.
Warne Anderson, Diane, Useful Palaeography Links, Minnesota Manuscript Research Laboratory. An overview of the main online subsidies for palaeographical study, with links to the pertinent sites.
University of London, Humbul Humanities Hub. 398 records of online Manuscript Studies resources, also browsable by period and by type.
2714 (2210)
Labyrinth’s Manuscripts and Palaeography Page: http://labyrinth.
2715 (2211)
O’Donnell, J. J. Palaeography:
Seyd, T.W. Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts:
Wright, C. Medieval Studies: Manuscript Research:
2718 Bibliographien bei und im Internet:
Smith, Marc.MENESTREL. Paleographie & manuscrits en ligne :
The website is articulated in 'Recherche', 'Collections','Enseignement en ligne', 'Sciences connexes', 'Divers'. All sections have links to sites of related interest and in the miscellaneous section ('Divers') there is a full list of pertinent links.
ENZENSBERGER, Horst, FRENZ, Thomas, SAHLE, Patrick, and VOGELER, George Virtual Library: Historische Hilfswissenschaften. Palaeographie :
2720 (2166)
FRENZ, Thomas Bibliographie zur Diplomatik und verwandten Fachgebieten der Historischen Hilfswissenschaften :



2721 (176) ARMARIUM CODICUM INSIGNIUM (Turnhout 1980- ):
"The Armarium has been established to provide facsimile reproductions of important manuscripts along with a detailed study of the palaeography and the textual traditions contained. The series is limited to facsimiles of manuscripts originating from the Graeco-Roman world and in particular those of a Christian inspiration." (

2722 (255, 418, 799, 803)
Gryson, R. Les palympsestes ariens latins de Bobbio. Contribution a la methodologie de l'etude des palimpsestes. (Turnhout 1983).
2723 (623, 948)
Contreni, J. J. Codex laudensis 468. A Ninth-Century Guide to Virgil, Sedulius and the Liberal Arts (Turnhout 1984).
2724 (694)
Brown, T. J. and Mackay, T. W. Codex Vaticanus Palatinus Latinus 235. (Turnhout 1988).

2725 (---) AUTOGRAPHA MEDII AEVI (Turnhout 1994--):
"This series proposes to bring to the attention of scholars a range of medieval Latin texts which are preserved in manuscripts written personally by the author (autographs) or directly under his supervision (ideographs), and are of particular significance within their genre." (Brepols Publishers 1997). General ed. C. Leonardi, G. Cavallo, L. Holtz and M. Lapidge.

2726 (1362, 869)
1. Liutprando di Cremona e il codice di Frisinga Clm 6388, ed. P. Chiesa (Turnhout 1994).
2727 (952, 1658, 1712)
2. Garand, M., Guibert de Nogent et ses sécrétaires (Turnhout 1995). Evidence for the autograph of Guibert questioned by M. Huygens (CC Cont. Med. CXXVII)
2728 (1706)
3. The autograph of Eriugena, ed. E. Jeauneau and P. Dutton (Turnhout 1996)
2728a (976, 977)
4. The Autograph Manuscript of the 'Liber Floridus'. A Key to the 'Encyclopedia' of Lambert of Saint Omer, ed. A. Derolez (Turnhout 1998)



2730 (191)
XIV. France II, ed. H. Atsma and J. Vezin (1982). Plates 572-94. Archives Nationales, Paris.
2731 (191)
XV. France III, ed. H. Atsma and J. Vezin (1986). Plates 595-618. Archives Nationales, Paris.
2732 (191)
XVI. France IV, ed. H. Atsma and J. Vezin (1986). Plates 619-38. Archives Nationales, Paris.
2733 (191)
XVII. France V, ed. H. Atsma, R. Marichal, J. Vezin, J.O. Tjäder (1984). Plates 651-58. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.
2734 (191)
XVIII. France VI, ed. H. Atsma, R. Marichal, J. Vezin, J.O. Tjäder (1985). Plates 659-69. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; Baume, Carcassonne, Chartres, Chelles.
2735 (191)
XIX. France VII, ed. H. Atsma, J. Vezin, R. Marichal(1987). Plates 670-91. Colmar, Conques, Dijon, Jouarre, Nancy, Poitiers, Sens, Solignac, Strasbourg, Tournus, Vergy.


2736 (191a)
XX. Italy I, ed. A. Petrucci and J.O. Tjäder(1982). Plates 701-12. South Italy and Rome.
2737 (191a)
XXI. Italy II, ed. A. Petrucci and J.O. Tjäder(1983). Plates 713-17. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
2738 (191a)
XXII. Italy III, ed. A. Petrucci and J.O. Tjäder((1983). Plates 718-29. South Italy and Rome.
2739 (191a)
XXIII. Italy IV, ed. A. Petrucci and J.O. Tjäder (1985). Plates 730-50. Siena.
2740 (191a)
XXIV. Italy V, ed. A. Petrucci and J.O. Tjäder (1985). Plates 751-76. Siena.
2741 (191a)
XXV. Italy VI, ed. R. Marichal, J.O. Tjäder, G. Cavallo(1986). Plates 777-98. Central Italy, Florence, Arezzo.
2742 (191a)
XXVI. Italy VII, ed. J.O. Tjäder(1987). Plates 799-813. Central Italy, Pisa.
2743 (191a)
XXVII. Italy VIII, ed. J.O. Tjäder (1992). Plates 814-38. North Italy: Cremona, Piacenza, Asti, Torino, Novara.
2744 (191a)
XXVIII. Italy IX, ed. R. Marichal, J.O. Tjäder, G. Cavallo, F. Magistrale (1988). Plates 839-65. North Italy: Genoa, Milan, Trieste.
2745 (191a)
XXIX. Italy X, ed. J.O. Tjäder, F. Magistrale, G. Cavallo (1992). Plates 866-89. North Italy: Cantù, Monza, Bergamo, Mantova, Verona, Belluno, Padova, Venice, Modena, Nonantola, Ravenna, Rimini.
2746 (191a)
XXX. Italy XI, ed. P. Supino Martini (1988). Plates 890-914. Central Italy, Lucca 1.
2747 (191a)
XXXI. Italy XII, ed. A. Petrucci, F. Petrucci Nardelli (1989). Plates 915-36. Central Italy, Lucca 2.
2748 (191a)
XXXII. Italy XIII, ed. G. Nicolaj (1989). Plates 937-60. Central Italy, Lucca 3.
2749 (191a)
XXXIII. Italy XIV, ed. F. Magistrale (1989). Plates 961-84. Central Italy, Lucca 4.
2750 (191a)
XXXIV. Italy XV, ed. P. Supino Martini (1989). Plates 985-1009. Central Italy, Lucca 5.
2751 (191a)
XXXV. Italy XVI, ed. F. Magistrale (1990). Plates 1010-38. Central Italy, Lucca 6.
2752 (191a)
XXXVI. Italy XVII, ed. G. Nicolaj (1990). Plates 1039-62. Central Italy, Lucca 7.
2753 (191a)
XXXVII. Italy XVIII, ed. P. Supino Martini (1990). Plates 1063-65. Central Italy, Lucca 8.
2754 (191a)
XXXVIII. Italy XIX, ed. M. Palma and F. Bianchi (1990). Plates 1096-1125. Central Italy, Lucca 9.
2755 (191a)
XXXIX Italy XX, ed. F. Magistrale (1991). Plates 1126-55. Central Italy, Lucca 10.
2756 (191a)
XL Italy XXI, ed. M.Palma and F. Bianchi (1991). Plates 1156-85. Central Italy, Lucca 11.


2757 (191b)
XLI. Egypt I, ed. T. Dorandi (1994). Plates 1182-1206. Alexandria, Cairo.
2758 (191b)
XLII. Egypt II, ed. T. Dorandi (1994). Plates 1207-39. Cairo.


2759 (191c)
XLIII. Austria I, ed. T. Dorandi (1995). Plates 1240-51. Feldkirchen, Vienna.
2760 (191c)
XLIV. Austria II, ed. T. Dorandi (1996). Plates 1252-1316. Vienna.
2761 (191c)
XLV. Austria III, ed. T. Dorandi and J.O. Tjäder (1990). Plates 1317-59. Vienna.

Other countries

2762 (191d)
XLVI. Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Holland, Republic of Georgia, Spain, ed. T. Dorandi (1995). Plates 1360-1402.


2763 (191e)
XLVII. Addenda, ed. T. Dorandi and P. Gasnault(1997). Plates 1403-68. London (British Library), U.S.A., Germany, Italy, Brugge, Praha.


2765 (213)
XL. Wright, D. W. Vergilius Vaticanus. Commentarius (Città del Vaticano 1984).
2766 ( )
LXXXIII. Wandalbert von Pruem, Das reichenauer Martyrologium fuer Kaiser Lothar I, ed. H.W. Stork [Reg. lat. 438] (Zurich 1997). Commentary.

2767 ( )
LIII. Die Cosmographia des Claudius Ptolemaeus. Codex Urbinas Latinus, ed. A. Durst (Zurich 1983)
2768 ( )
XXXIX. Il libro di Giuliano da Sangallo, codice Vaticano Barberiniano latino 4424, ed. C. Huelsen (Città del Vaticano 1984).
2769 (194, 562)
LXVI. Vergilius romanus: Codex vaticanus latinus 3867, ed. C. Bertelli, E. Gallicet, G. Garbarino, I. Lana, A. Pratesi, J. Roysschaert (Zürich 1986).
2770 ( )
LIV. Dantes Divina Commedia mit den Illustrationen von Sandro Botticelli: Codex Reg. Lat. 1896; Codex Ham. 201(Clm. 33), ed. P. Dreyer (Zürich 1986).
2771 (2136, 2287)
LXXXII. Modi orandi Sancti Dominici: die Gebets- und Andachtsgesten des Heiligen Dominikus: eine Bilderhandschrift, ed. L. E. Boyle O.P. and J.-C. Schmitt (Zurich 1997)
2772 ( )
LI. Biblia pauperum. Armenbibel. Die Bilderhandschrift des Codex Palatinus latinus 871 im Besitz der Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, ed. C. Wetzel and . Dreschler (Zurich 1995)


2774 ( )
Ein Meisterwerk der suditalienischen Buchmalerei der Renaissance: die Nikomachische Ethik des Aristoteles, ed. O. Mazal (Graz 1988)
2775 ( )
Codex purpureus Rossanensis (Graz 1985)
2776 ( )
Goslarer Evangeliar, ed. R. Kroos (Graz 1991)
2777 (282)
Medicina antiqua. Codex Vindobonensis 93 der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed. Hans Zotter (Graz 1996). With a new commentary and updated bibliography.


2778 ( )
Le Pontifical du Cardinal Ferry de Clugny, evêque de Tournai, ed. A. De Schryver, M. Dynkmans and J. Ruysschaert (Città del Vaticano 1989)


CXIII-CXIV. The Leofric Missal, ed. Nicholas Orchard. I. Introduction, Collation table and Index. II. Text (London 2002). Diplomatic edition of MS Oxford Bodl. Libr. Bodley 579, the first since that by Frederick E. Warren (1883). The 'Missal' is actually a sacramentary with calendar and computus.



(MLP 314)
Katalog der datierten Handschriften in lateinischer Schrift in Österreich (Vienna 1969- ):
VII. Die datierten Handschriften in der Steiermark ausserhalb der Universitätbibliothek Graz bis zum Jahre 1600, 1. Text, 2. Tafeln, ed. M. Mairold (Vienna 1988).
VIII. Lackner, F., Datierte Handschriften in Niederösterreichischen Archiven und Bibliotheken bis zum Jahre 1600, 1: Text, 2. Tafeln (Wien 1988).


2780 (320)
4. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique: manuscrits conserves a la Bibliotheque royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles (1461-1480), ed. T. Glorieux-De Gand, F. Masai and M. Wittek (Bruxelles 1982)
2781 (320)
5. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique: manuscrits conserves a la Bibliotheque royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles (1481-1540), ed. T. Glorieux-De Gand, F. Masai and M. Wittek (Bruxelles 1987)
2782 (320)
6. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique: manuscrits conserves a la Bibliotheque royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles (1541-1600), ed. T. Glorieux-De Gand, F. Masai and M. Wittek (Bruxelles 1991)

Great Britain: Gran Bretagna
(Boyle MLP 331)

2782a (331)
Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 737-1600 in Cambridge Libraries, ed. P. Robinson (Cambridge 1988). Two parts.
2782b (331)
A catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 435-1600 in Oxford Libraries, ed. A.G. Watson (Oxford 1984). Two parts.

Holland: Olanda

2782c (332, 333)
Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas: Catalogue paléographique des manuscrits en écriture latine portants des indications de date, ed. G.I. Lieftinck (Amsterdam 1964- ):
II. Les manuscrits d'origine néerlandaise (XIVe - XVIe siècle) et un supplément au tome premier (Leiden 1988). Two parts.


2783 (334)
Manoscritti datati d'Italia. Collana promossa dalla "Societa Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino" e dall'"Associazione Italiana Manoscritti Datati," details at
2784 (334)
1. I manoscritti datati della provincia di Trento, ed. M. A. Casagrande Mazzoli, L. Dal Poz, D. Frioli, S. Groff, M. Hausbergher, M. Palma, C. Scalon and S. Zamponi (Firenze 1996). 81 MSS to A.D. 1500.
2785 (334, 335)
Catalogo dei manoscritti in scrittura latina datati o databili per indicazione di anno, di luogo, o di copista (Turin 1971- ):
II. Biblioteca Angelica Roma, ed. F. Di Cesare (Turin 1982).
2786 (334)
3. I manoscritti datati della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze. 2. Mss. 1001-1400, ed. T. De Robertis and R. Miriello (Firenze 1999).
2787 (334)
4. I manoscritti datati della provincia di Vicenza e della Biblioteca Antoniana di Padova, ed. Giové, C. Cassandro, P. Massalin, S. Zamponi.(Firenze 2000). Description of forty manuscripts in the libraries of Vicenza and Bassano and sixty-one codices in the Biblioteca Antoniana (Padova). 105 plates.
2788 (334)
5. I manoscritti datati del Fondo Conventi Soppressi della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, ed. S. Bianchi, A. Di Domenico, R. Di Loreto, G. Lazzi, M. Palma, P. Panedigrano, S. Pelle, C. Pinzauti, P. Pirolo, A. M. Russo, M. Sambucco Hammoud, P. Scapecchi, I. Truci, S. Zamponi (Firenze 2002). Description of 194 manuscripts, formerly the property of convents in or near Florence, confiscated in 1808 and 1866. 204 plates.
2789 (334)
6. I manoscritti datati della Biblioteca civica "Angelo Mai" e delle altre biblioteche della provincia di Bergamo, ed. Francesco Lo Monaco (Firenze 2003). Description of 130 manuscripts from the Accademia Carrara, Biblioteca Capitolare, Biblioteca Civica 'Angelo Mai,' Biblioteca del Clero di Sant'Alessandra Colonna, Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile. 143 plates.
2790 (334)
7. I manoscritti datati di Padova. Archivio di Stato, Archivio Papafava, Biblioteca Civica, Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile, eds Antonella Mazzon, Andrea Donello, Gianna Maria Florio, Nicoletta Giove' Marchioli, Leonardo Granata, Gilda P. Mantovani, Antonella Tomiello, Stefano Zamponi. (Firenze 2003). 81 mss, 87 plates.
2790a (334)
8. I manoscritti datati della Sicilia, eds. M. M. Milazzo, Marco Palma, G. Sinagra, Stefano Zamponi (Firenze 2003). With 59 plates and a CD-ROM.
2791a (334)
9. I manoscritti datati del fondo Palatino della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, ed. Simona Bianchi (Florence 2003).
2791 (334)
10. I manoscritti datati della Biblioteca Braidense di Milano, ed. Maria Luisa Grossi Turchetti (Firenze 2004). Description of 77 dated MSS, 82 plates.
2791b (334)
11. I manoscritti datati del Fondo Acquisti e Doni e fondi minori della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze, eds. Lisa Fratini and Stefano Zamponi (Firenze 2004). Description of 107 MSS, with 112 plates (black-and-white)and a CD-ROM.
2791c (334)
12. I manoscritti datati della Classense e delle altre biblioteche della provincia di Ravenna, ed. Maria Giulia Baldini (Firenze 2004). Description of 93 MSS from Ravenna and Faenza, 104 plates (black-and-white) and a CD-ROM.
2791d (334)
13 I manoscritti datati della provincia di Forli-Cesena, eds. Paola Errani and Marco Palma (Firenze 2006). With 115 plates and a DVD.

Germany: Germania

Datierte Handschriften in Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland:
III. Die datierten Handschriften der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, 1, eds. H. Spilling and W. Irtenkauf. Die datierten Handschriften der ehemaligen Hofbibliothek Stuttgart (Stuttgart 1991).

Switzerland: Svizzera

Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1500:
III. Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken Sankt Gallen - Zürich, 1. Text, 2. Abbildungen, eds. B.M. Von Scarpatetti, R. Gamper and M. St%#228hli (Zürich 1991).


Small quarto monographs (sixty-four pages each) of illuminated manuscripts in the British Library, each presenting a generous amount of plates.

The Becket Leaves, ed. J. Backhouse (London 1988)
2795 (1156)
The Luttrell Psalter, ed. J. Backhouse (London 1989)
The Bedford Hours, ed. J. Backhouse (London 1990)
2797 (1422)
The Sforza Hours, ed. M. Evans (London 1992)
The Isabella Breviary, ed. J. Backhouse (London 1993)
The Winchester Bible, ed. C. Donovan (London and Winchester 1993)
2800 (734)
The Lindisfarne Gospel, ed. J. Backhouse (London 1995)
2801 (378)
The Sherborne Missal, ed. J. Backhouse (Toronto 1999)

     Electronic palaeography:Introductory remarks
2a. Cultural setting: Writing in general, Greek and other writing, Latin to pre-Carolingian (Boyle MLP 447-587, ElPal 2802-2904)
2b. Cultural setting: Latin writing, pre-Carolingian to Humanistic (Boyle MLP 588-915, ElPal 2905-3025)
3.  Institutional setting: Libraries and archives, catalogues, book trade
4.  Physical setting
5.  Human setting
6.  Textual setting
7.  Instruments of research

    Centre for Mediaeval Studies Leonard Boyle, Vicenza
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