Istituto Italiano di Cultura - N.Y.C. (

This site offers a variety of resources for teachers. Sign up for membership and notification of events via e-mail.

 FIERI National and links to other Italian Organizations - (

Fieri's homepage not only includes great info on media, culture and education but includes links to many other Italian organizations.

 Italian Language Resources - ( 

This website links users to a variety of Italian cultural, historical and media sites. It is a great place to start


Online Italian lessons with Pinocchio! Highly recommended!

NYU Italian Language - (

Stay current on computing issues and Italian. Find useful tutorials, dictionaries and books as well as fun music, food, and learning sites for your students.

 The Human Languages Page - (

Here you will find an annotated list of Italian language and literature sites including online lessons and newspapers.


La mattina - (

Corriere della sera -(

Il sole - (

Tutti i giornali e le riviste -(

 Sounds of the World's Animals -  (                                                 Teaching animals?, go to this site for the sounds they make in Italian.