By Janie Kidder-Clemens

For me writing a poem comes easy, sometimes while watching TV, or in the mist of doing homework or just looking at the beauty of everyday life. It is when I am unconnected from mind chatter and unfocused the poems just seem to flow. At first I wasn't going to put Ode To a Mother Lost because it is a sad poem. But then I thought, it needs to be here. The poem My Dear Friend Cherri I wrote as I e-mailed her this year to see how she was doing with her treatment. In 1993 she sat with me during one of my cemo treatments. What a gift that was for me to have such a friend. The song that is playing is wind beneath my wigns. When I here this songs it reminds me of two things, first how grateful I am to know love from my Patrick. And second but not least how much I am loved by God. What I have learned is, no matter what or where I am, my spirituallity is with me. When I stay focused on that love, I stay intune with the who and what I am. All writings on this page are mine unless stated other wise. If you would like to use one of my poems please ask.


O Spirit of Mine
how wonderful to be
unchained as the sun
all knowing as thee.

How simple I think
to just knock at the door
and the way will be shown to me
as if I were a Lord.

Oh how my mind plays with me
and shows me up a fool.
For you pray and learn carefully
that is the rule.

Soon we will be there
once again together thee and me.
For we shall be whole again
then peace all will see.

Roaming Feilds

Oh roaming fields of wonderlust grass.
How I wish to embrace thee
and partake in thy advance.
Thy wonderous fields of bluegreen haze,
leave me forever in they gaze.


To a tree of LIfe
From a tree of Spring
I love you oh so much
For every bud you bring.

When I have grown and Blossomed
Into a very wonderous Flower
I will Love you oh so much
For my beatous Flowers.


To Sail the sea's weather rough or calm
To brave the storms until there are nomore
To walk that long narrow path
regardless of our past.
To Souls journey home,to souls journey home.


Life is a journey of which there are many roads
Life some may think is to heavy a load.
Living life in the light
will have many bumbs and grinds.
For we do not want to live
a million more life times.


To Love without anger
to love without pain.
To love in the sunshine
and also the rain.

I'll pass thru the doorways
and reach further on
For my LOVE is my best friend
that I can lean on.

I'll walk in the sunshine
I'll walk in the rain
I'll contol my anger
I'll live past the PAIN.

I'll pass thru each door way
and learn each lesson well
With my love as my best friend
I know I will do well.


Patrick My Love!
Patrick My Love!
How often I think of
Patrick My Love.

His smile is contagious
his laughter a delight.
He is the sexest thing in sight.

He walks amoung the average man
but stand out in a crowd.
He amazes me every day
with his gentle ways.

A stolen glance
a sweet sweet smile
a trinkle in his eye
all make me want to sigh.
He truly is heaven sent
and simply just devine.


I once was a lonely soul
waiting for it's journey home.
Searching waiting anticipating
yearning for it's true home.

Somehow knowing deeply knowing and
yet yearning for that brillant light
that will take it home.

I'm following my Hearts Desire
following it home.
Leading me to happiness
following it home.
Home is where my Heart Desire's
following home,
Home to where my oneness is
I'll follow it home.


Through childhood fears and bitter tears
I searched in vain for you.
A warm embrace a tender touch
was all I ask of you.

With Adolescent jeers and adult sneers
still hoping to find.
A warm embrace and perhaps
an I love you in you smile.

I never knew the loss of you
could hurt me so deep inside.
I know there are no more hopes
for your love that could not found.

I cry at night and during the day
when no one is around.
Never to know a Mother's Love
is so complex and quite profound!

This poem is dedicated to my Sisters and Brother.

For My Dear Friend Cherri

The Relay For Life was the 13 and 14
as I walked my survivors lap
I took your hand and we walked together.
As I said my name and how many years
cancer free I was you were with me.
As we all held hands and the lights dimmed
and I remembered all the pain and trama
to my body and yours I cried for us.
As we formed a circle of survivors
a song was sung for us you were in my heart.
As the lights came back up so brightly
a new beginging was signaled,
a beginging of survivorship and health
was visualized and set for us.

The Complete Prayer Of Protection
By James Dillet Freeman

The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of GOD enfolds me.
The Power of GOD protects me.
The Presence of GOD watches over me.
The Mind of God guides me.
The Life of God flows through me.
The Laws of God direct me.
The Power of God abides in me.
The Joy of God uplifts me.
The Strength of God renews me,
The Beauty of God inspires me.
Wherever I am,God is!
And all is well.Amen.
So Be It
and So It is.