Reverse the Opening process. (Instead of Deosil, go Widdershins)
Go the the Blue candle in the North and say:
"Thank you and farewell to the Element of Earth and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the North. May it stand in Strength, forever watching, now and in the future." Snuff out the candle and go to the Green candle in the West. "Thank you and farewell to the Element of Water and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the North. May it stand in Strength, forever watching, now and in the future." Snuff out the candle and go to the Red candle in the South. "Thank you and farewell to the Element of Fire and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the South. May it stand in Strength, forever watching, now and in the future." Snuff out the candle and go to the Yellow candle in the East. "Thank you and farewell to the Element of Air and the Lady and Lord of the Watchtower of the East. May it stand in Strength, forever watching, now and in the future. Thank you and farewell to the Four Quarters, and the Goddess and the God. I bid the Lady and Lord farewell and to join me in future Circles." Snuff out the candle and return to the Altar and say: "Hail to the Goddess and God. The Circle is now open. So Mote It Be!" Ring the Bell three times.