Esbat Ritual
Cast your Circle and begin at the Altar.

"Once more do I come to show my joy of life and re-affirm my feelings for the Gods. The Lord and the Lady have been good to me. It is to them that I give thanks for all that I have. They know that I have needs and they listen to me when I call upon them. So do I thank the God and the goddess for those favors they have bestowed upon me."

You may give thanks in your own way (and/or) request help.

Ring the bell three times and say:

"An' it harm none, do what thou wilt. Thus runs the Wiccan Rede. Whatever I desire, whatever I would ask of the Gods, whatever I would do, I must be assured that it will harm non one--not even myself. And as I give, so shall it return, threefold. I give of myself--my life, my love--and it will be thrice rewarded. But should I send forth harm, then that, too, will return thrice over!"

At this point, a favorite song, chant, or playing of an instrument may occur.

"Beauty and Strength are in the Lord and the Lady, both. Patience and Love, Wisdom and Kowledge."

[If the Esbat is occurring on the New Moon or the Full Moon, the appropriate segment of the Ritual should be inserted here, otherwise, go directly to the Cakes and Ale ceremony.]