Banishing Negative Forms From Your Home

"Naked I come into this sanctuary with love from and faith in those who have gone before me. Innocent am I in understanding, holy and pure in my love of all good and Blessed things."

Supreme Goddess, Ruler of Light, Lord of All, hear my prayer. Help me now to dispell this thing of unholiness, this creature of darkness, who dooms itself ot shame and unhappiness. Save him if it is Thy will to do so and send him to the light. I sing your song of Mercy and the most precious word, forgiveness.

In Thy everlasting Grace, I say this. In humility I ask this. So Mote It Be."

Take up your Chalice of Salt Water and face the East. Dip your fingers into the water, raise your right hand and say:

"Powers of the East, You who are of the daystar rising and all fresh beginnings, I purify you with salt and water to open the path for goodness of friendship, warmth, and love."

Sprinkle some extra water and turn to the South.

"Powers of the South, You who are of the summer sun which warms our bodies and our minds, I purify you with salt and water to open the path for goodness of friendship, warmth and love."

Repeat in the West:

"Powers of the West, You who are of the purifying and cleansing waters from which all life comes, I purify you with salt and water to open the path for goodness of friendship, warmth and love."

Go to the North:

"Powers of the North, You who are of the Earth, the ground on which we stand, I purify you with salt and water to open the path for goodness of friendship, warmth and love."

Proceed around the room and every room and sprinkle water over every threshold, window, doorway and in all the corners.

When you are done, add more incense to your Censer. Using the same verses above repeat them but substitute "fire and air" in place of "salt and water." As you did before, proceed through every room and cense all thresholds, windows, doorways, corners.

Take the fire candle (or a candle for this purpose) and your Athame and, begin at the door used for entrance and walk slowly CLOCKWISE through the house. Go through each room and pause at each door, window and mirror. Pass the candle across them and Pentagram them with your Athame. While you are doing this, chant:

"By the One Power, I hereby consecrate this space, to the Goddess and the God, according to free will and for the good of all. I hereby release in all time and all space any negative cause, effect, manifestation, form or essence - any negative event, thought, energy, idea or vibration. I transfrom to and replace them with only positive and joyous good, in keeping with the Universal harmonies of the Goddess and the God. This space is Divinely protected, this space is perfectly safe. Nothing and no one can enter this space unless I (or my loved ones) all them to.

This space is Sacred, Consecrated and Dedicated to positive living for myself and my loved ones and for the work of positive Magick only. No harm can come to this space or anyone in it. Thanks be to the Goddess and the God."

As you draw each Pentagram say:

"Only good can enter here, no negatives can enter, all harm is sealed out."

When you are finished and back at the entry point, end your Ritual with:

"Love lives here, health lives here, abundance lives here. (Name yourself and your loved ones) live here. We claim this space for ourselves, for the mutual good of each other. So Mote It Be!"