Home Education of

Gifted Children in Texas

We are a secular, but inclusive, group of Texans who are homeschooling their gifted children.

We aren't interested in comparing IQs, but we are interested in discussing all issues related to gifted children and homeschooling.

Click here to join txgifts' eMail List

YahooGroups may ask for information.  Give only the information you are comfortable giving. 

Soon after you join please post a message to the list introducing yourself. 

Indicate on the introduction if you would like your letter to be added to the Members Directory.  The reason for the directory is to allow future members a chance to meet our group by reading prior introductions. 

After you have signed up for the list you will be able to: 
   Post messages to its members via e-mail.
   Read and post group messages on the Web

If you have any questions regarding the E-mail list, you may contact the moderator at psamo@netzero.net or homeschoolkids@HotPOP.com

You can also subscribe to the group by sending a blank e-mail message to:

Members Directory / Member Recommended Links

Any Questions, Corrections or Comments,
please contact the website administrator at homeschoolkids@geocities.com

Our group was created on November 11, 1998