My name is Anne and I am terribly excited to have found this list!

         My family and I live outside of Austin on Lake Travis (south shore) in a  solid school district "with a wonderful GT program."  Or, so we thought until our oldest started public kindergarten in August.  We have two daughters, Emma (6.5) and Sophie (6 months).

         I'm sure our story is familiar.  Emma began to read at an early age, is extremely verbal and unnervingly logical to go along with the 'will of iron'.  We have been homeschooling full time from August to January, at which time Emma wanted to give the PS another go...which lasted all of 6 weeks.  During that time her behavior at school was model, and she was horrifying at home.  It was obvious that something was wrong.  She finally managed to come forward with her frustrations at being 'bored and bossed' all day every day.  She is very sensitive, and the stress of managing her behavior, and no intellectual challenge was too much.  Her anger spilled out at home.

         None of our friends understand why we have chosen to take her  home...they just look blankly when I say, "Well, she reads at a third grade level and they are learning letter sounds in her class."  The only thing they can think about is Emma's social life.  This is not much of an issue, as she tends to prefer one or two very close friends and is happiest around adults who can talk to her and satisfy her endless questioning.  Everyone acts as if I will come to my senses over the summer and have her tested, so they can put her in the GT program (they seem to believe that one is only gifted after kindergarten).

         Anyway, my least favorite comment is, "She's smart, she's going to learn no matter what the situation."  As if it doesn't matter if it wastes her desire to learn, years of her life...and what are they *really* going to teach her?  *sigh*

         I'm sorry that this rambles.  Sunday found me at a baby shower with all of my friends, and I spent the whole time fending off questions and commentary about Emma and homeschool.  If some folks could open their minds a bit, they could become perfectly good pinhole cameras. ;)

Anywhoo -- pleased to make ya'll's acquaintance :)

May 3, 1999.

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