Hi, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Cheri and I have a 6 y.o. daughter. We just moved from Florida to Texas and are currently getting over culture shock. :)My daughter started in kindergarten in public school. (because she wanted to see what it was like) in the fall of last year. The teacher was very observant and sent my daughter to the school psychologist for testing. Up to that time, I knew she was way ahead, but I thought it was just because she liked learning so much, I didn't know it was because she was gifted. I am greatful for that informed and observant kindergarten teacher. There were no gifted classes for her age so they put her in a second grade gifted class and told me that academically she should be in a third grade class but the psychologist told me that socially that would be bad for her. I agreed. The school didn't know what to do with her and my daughter who loved to learn was hating school. So, halfway through the year, I took her out and have been home schooling since.
I am thrilled to have this group here.
We are in Cedar Park just outside of Austin.