Hi to all of you who accepted
our invitation to join this new list. I'm psam ordener, the moderator.
The list was created to provide a forum for discussion of problems of Texans
homeschooling their gifted children.
Texas, unlike many other states, treats homeschoolers as responsible adults. Our home schools are private schools by state law, and there is, at present, no oversight by any outside agency. This makes it very easy to homeschool in my preferred style, which is rather loose and "unschool"-y. I live in Friendswood, just south of Houston. I have two children, a 10yo boy who has been identified as gifted, and a 5yo who probably isn't gifted - I just can't tell. The 10yo is homeschooling this year after years of turmoil in the public school system; the 5yo just started public school kindergarten, where he is very happily learning letter sounds and how to count to 100. DH works for a NASA contractor. We participate in Cub Scouts, Odyssey of the Mind, a couple of local homeschool support groups, soccer, and anything else the kids want to do. psam
Motherhood - not just a job, it's an Adventure! My children were born in 1988 and 1993. November 13, 1998 |