Tucker Lodge #99

Free & Accepted Masons


Table of Contents

Lodge Location
Suite of Officers
What is Masonry?

Location:  Tucker Lodge #99, 63 A Main St, Raymond, NH is located near the center of the village. Our driveway is across from Depot Street (the railroad display).  Stated meetings are at 7:30 p.m. on 4th Tuesdays, 3rd Tuesdays in November and December and dark in July and August.  Please e-mail an officer or the webmaster for further information (bottom of page).



2009 Officers of Tucker #99


Worshipful Master    

    Craig R. White

Senior Warden    

    Oliver P. Frates

Junior Warden    

    Steven A. Welch

Deputy Treasurer    

    Warren W. Black PM
    Michael V. Pettengill Sr. PM

Deputy Secretary    

    Edward J. P. Miller

Rep. To Grand Lodge    

    Roger F. Retzke PM


Senior Deacon    

    Eric L. Colwell

Junior Deacon    

    Bruce F. Welch

Senior Steward    


Junior Steward    


Assistant Steward    


Assistant Steward    



    Tad Wayne A. Richardson PM


    Robert F. Drowne


    Phillip E. Thomas, Jr.


    Donald R. Willoughby PM*


Lodge Correspondence
    Tucker Lodge 99 F&AM
    P.O. Box 275
    Raymond, NH 03077-0275
Building Correspondence
    Raymond Masonic Bldg Assoc.
    P.O. Box 275
    Raymond, NH 03077-0275
* Infrequent email user



Masonic Links



What is Masonry?  In our own words, Masonry is the world's oldest fraternity.  It is founded upon a non-denominational belief in one God, the innate goodness of mankind, and examples and lessons symbolized in architecture.  The purposes of Masonry include making good men better through such things as friendship, morality and charity.  A man must request a petition for membership -- Freemasons do not "invite" candidates.  Appendant bodies such as Scottish Rite, York Rite and Shrine require our "Blue Lodge" membership in good standing.  Women and children related to a Freemason may petition to join the Order of Eastern Star (women), Rainbow (young women age 11-20) and Demolay (young men age 13-18).

If you don't know a Mason and you want more information, please e-mail an officer or the webmaster.




If you want information, have comments or suggestions, email us.  Webmaster: r-retzke@comcast.net


Last Updated on February 2, 2009 and you are Visitor # Counter