

Administration Magazines Libraries
Educative legislation Recreational centers Museums
Educative system Notebook Archives
Educative resources Culture and Language Organisms
Webs educative Books and dictionaries Universities
Teaching Editorials Unions and associations

To add Web

Home Page



Departament d'Ensenyament
Page of Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya with sections of studies, educative centers, educative teaching staff, services, educative administration,...
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
Page of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Spanish State with sections of Education, Universities, Investigation and Development, Culture and Sports.
Autonomic administrations
Connections to web servers of the Spanish Educative Administrations.
Directory of public organisms and institutions of the Administrations Central, Autonomic and European.


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Norm of Education
Norm of the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC)
It consults of the Oficcial Newspaper of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)
It consults of the Oficcial Newspaper of the Spanish Government.
Legislación Educativa (LEDA)
Data base of educative legislation competition of the Ministry of Education and Culture.




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Practical guide of the educative system
Guide of Educative System of Secondary Teaching in Catalonia.








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Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC)
Web of the Network Educative Telematics of Catalonia. It include sections dedicated to activities of centers, thematic areas, formation and services, resources, webs of scholastic centers,...
Base de dades SINERA
Documentary data base of curricular educative and material resources.
El Racó del Clic
Activities of the educative program Clip for diverse areas and levels, information and resources.
Centres de Recursos Pedagògics
Network of Centers of Pedagogical Resources of Catalonia.
Programa de Nuevas Tecnologías (PNTIC)
Page of the Program of New Technologies of the Information and the Educative Communication of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Red Nacional de I+D. National Research Network.
Base de datos DOCE
Data base on Education. Information, educative documentation and didactic resources.
The International Education and Resource Network.
The Information Network on Education in Europe.
European Schoolnet
European Teaching and Learning Initiative.
Web for Schools
Schools all over Europe collaborating to produce educational projects.

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Page with information on education and work. It includes news, employement agency, resources, services and finder.
The technologies of the information to the service of the teaching staff. Educative connections.
News, publications, links and notebbok of education.
Aprendre a Aprendre
To learn to learn. Strategies of learning and techniques of study.
Xarxa i Espai per a la Renovació Pedagògica (XERP)
Center of Pedagogical Renovation in Catalonia.
Thematic area dedicated to the education of the ONG Pangea.
The page of the ONG Xarxanet@ includes connections to universities, organizations, libraries,...
Guía de Recursos de Enseñanza
Connections of the world of education in Catalonia.
Webs educativas
Index of educative resources.
Directorio de Enseñanza
Directory of information on thr world of education: associations, libraries and archives, official institutes of investigation, legislation, organisms, universities.
Educación en Internet
Personal page of the GeoCities server with connections to educative resources.
Webs y referencias educativas
Personal page of the Arrakis server with connections to educative resources.
La página más educativa
Collection of connections to the educative world in Internet.
Recursos educativos para profesores
Guide of resources for teachers. Finders of education.
Buscador Temático Educación
Finders of education served by Buscopio.
Programario de Educación
Educative Programs of El Rebost.

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Scholastic Centers of Catalonia
Search of scholastic public and private centers and according to type of education, served by the Department of Education.
Webs de centros
Search of webs of scholastic centers of Catalonia, served by XTEC.
Guide of Education
Selection of educative centers classified by specialties.

Virtual Education. Educative formation at a distance:

Aula Activa

Aula Interactiva

Aucal, Campus Virtual

Institut Català d'Ensenyament Secundari a Distància (ICESD)

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Quaderns digitals

Comunidad Escolar


Un Pam de Net

Plecs de Guix

Cinc Cèntims

El Patinet


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Youth Tourism of Catalonia

Catalonia Hostel and Youth Hostel Association (ACCAC)

Casa de Colonias Can Caballé (Estanyol-Girona)

Fundació Catalana de l'Esplai





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Culture Notebook of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Notebook of Education in Catalonia







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Catalonia Culture
Page served by the Generalitat de Catalunya with cultural information very varied (archives, libraries, monuments, museums, youth, sports, cultural notebook,...)
Catalan Language
This page of the Generalitat de Catalunya includes information on the Catalan language and resources for the learning of the Catalan.
Òmnium Cultural
Page of this association of the Catalan Cultural area.
Enseñanza Catalana
Magazine Escola Catalana of the Functional Delegation of Òmnium Cultural.
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Page of this cultural center dedicated exclusively to the city like subject and the urban culture in general.
Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Web of the Institute of Catalan Studies (ICE): structure, history, investigation, publications and activities. Catalan language: dictionary, normative documents and linguistic consultations.
Center of Catalan Terminology.
Terminological Library
Consultation of dictionaries and others materials of technical and scientific terminology in Catalan.
Service of Teaching of Catalan Language. Information and materials on the Catalan language in the scope of Education.
Etymology. Origin of words and expressions of the Catalan and the Spanish (Castilian).
Language Resources for students and teachers. Resources of Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese and Catalan.
Real Academia Española
Everything on the Spanish language from the site web of the Real Academia Española: information and news, database, dictionaries, resources, investigation and linguistic consultations.
Instituto Cervantes
Institution for the public promotion and education of the Spanish (Castilian).
Mercator Linguistic Law and Legislation.
Translator of English
Translator of the English to the French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, and vice versa.

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Books Search
Book  seeking of the Agencia Española del ISBN.
Books Search Worldwide
Books of the worldwide. Electronic texts in English.
The Literary Directory in Internet.
Data base of RAE
Catalogue of the Real Academia Española (RAE).
Patrimonio Bibliográfico Español
Catalogue of the Spanish Bibliographical Patrimony of the Ministry of Culture.
Magazine of spanish books.
Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros
Bookstore of this corporation.
Club de Lectors dels Països Catalans
Catalogue with offers of books, music, video and CD-Rom in Catalan.
Enciclopèdia Catalana
Access to the Hiperenciclopèdia, Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana  and Internet Guide (seeking webs site)
Diccionarios VOX
Catalogue, consultations and resources.
Foreign Languages for Travelers. Fast consultation of dictionaries in diverse languages.
Dictionary of languages Worldwide (seventy different languages are included).

Virtual Bookstores

The more important virtualshop of the world.
Amazon español
The spanish version of Amazon.
Bookstore of the Enciclopedia Catalana.
All the books published in Catalan and Spanish.
Casa del Libro
Complet virtual bookstore.
Virtual bookstore by subjects.

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Alphabetical listing of the spanish editorials, served by the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
Spanish publishers
Guide of publishers of Spain, with book and editorial search.
Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya
Guild of Publishers of Catalonia.

Catalan and Spanish Editorials

Grup 62
Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana
Grupo Planeta
Grupo Edebé
Grupo Anaya
Anaya Multimedia
IndexNet de Santillana

Vicens Vives







3 i 4

Espasa Calpe


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Libraries of Catalonia

The Library of Catalonia

Libraries of Diputació de Barcelona

University Union Catalogue of Catalonia (CCUC)

Biblioteca de la UAB

Biblioteca de la UB

Virtual Library Joan Lluís Vives

Spanish libraries

Biblioteca Nacional de España

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Directories of Museums

Directory - 1

Directory - 2

Directory - 3

Museums of Catalonia

Museums of Catalonia

Museums of Barcelona

Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC)

Museu d' Història de Catalunya

Museu de la Ciència

Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (MCTC)

Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC)

Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)

Museu Picasso

Joan Miró Foundation

Museums of outside Catalonia

Prado Museum (Madrid)

Thyssen-Bornemisza  Museum (Madrid)

Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao)

Louvre Museum (Paris)

Georges Pompidou Center (Paris)

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Associació d'Arxivers de Catalunya

Archives of Catalonia

Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya (ANC)






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Col.legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats
en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya

Catalan Statistical Institute

Instituto Nacional de Estadística

CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)

CSIC Catalunya

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

UNESCO Center of Catalonia

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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Universitat de Girona (UdG)

Universitat de Lleida (UdL)

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Universitat Ramon Llull (URL)

Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)

Universitat de Vic (UdV)

Xarxa d'universitats Institut Joan Lluís Vives

Spanish Universities

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Universities, Research and Technological Innovation in Catalonia (CUR)

Secretaría de Estado de Educación, Universidades, Investigación y Desarrollo (SEEUID)

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Union Association of Teachers of Public Education of Catalonia.
Union of Workers of Education of Barcelona.
Union of Workers of Education.
Federation of Education CGT of Catalonia.
Independent Union.
Confederation of Independent Unions and Union of Civil servants.
Federation of Workers of the Education of UGT.
CC.OO. Enseñanza
Educacion section of CC.OO.
Catalan Union of Unions of Workers of Education.
Federation of Associations of Parents of Students of Catalonia.

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Home Page

Julià Buxadera i Vilà
Granollers, August 1998
Last modified: 05/12/99