

Frater A.

The Word can be traced to the Latin: Aequilibrium. Aequi: equally, justly, fairly. Librium/Libra: balance, scales, level.

A fair interpretation of the word, would then be, "equally balanced".

Libra is the sign of the Zodiac, under the ruler ship of Venus and attributed to Air . Libra is also the "Cardinal" sign of Air, which, in ancient times was known as the "Beginning" of an Elemental Trine.

Libra is attributed to the Atu VIII-Adjustment. In old times this card was called Justice. This hails back to the time when the correct attribution of the Tarot Trumps was not available to humanity at-large. Balance calls such principles as Kama to mind. Yet surely, the task before us is to analyse what action can be taken, rather than re-hash that which is widely known.

In the Zodiac, each of the Twelve signs is attributed to a Planet. It is said, in these cases, that the particular Planet Rules the Sign. With the exception of the Sun and the Moon (that rule one planet each), each of the Planets rules Two signs of the Zodiac. In the case of Venus, these are Libra & Taurus.

Taurus is attributed to the V Atu-The Hierophant, who's partner by the Book of the Law is the III Atu-The Empress. The Empress card is also attributed to Venus . Here the principles discussed are beyond the abyss, where (so the Masters of Temple tell us) a thing cam only exist by nature of it's opposite. The Empress occupies the path on the Tree of Life called Daleth- (a door). This path connects Chokmah- (wisdom) with Binah- (understanding). One cannot exist without the other. The Empress is all encompassing in nature, so discussion of Her principles tends toward the Universal. At this lofty vantage, Equilibrium takes on the dimensions of the infinite within, to balance the infinite without. Another way to put it would be, that the Universe exists in its natural opposition to the state of not existing. In this case, our perception is all we have to go on. A thing can only exist for us if we are aware of it. Yet surely, new material is becoming manifest all the time. So where does this creation come from? The answer lies in the comprehension of the formula YHVH . Y is Yod, the Father, who weds H Heh, the Mother, giving birth to V Vau the Son. This son then weds the Daughter H (final) who is set upon the throne of the mother, "awakening the eld of the All Father:.

Without acquaintance with the Qabala, this passage will be "difficult" at best. However, we may take an example.

In order to accomplish a state of Equilibrium, I require two components of similar, but preferably, equal weight. I bring these into relation by the use of scales. If the weight of each component is exactly identical and their velocity is zero, they can be placed at equal distance from the fulcrum, resting the whole thing into a state of equilibrium. However, the weight at the fulcrum has increased. So, on one plane, equilibrium has been attained, but on another, the balance needs to be redressed. For instance: the cross-member of the scales, must be able to support the increase in weight,- the surface on which the scales are placed must be solid and -the entire apparatus must remain undisturbed. In any act unifying two things into Equilibrium to create a third, a fourth element is also created. That is unless it is the final act of Annihilation.

The Universe operates in just this fashion, the Yod or creative spark, is the first principle, ie, the first article to be weighed, before the introduction of the scales or whatnot. The Heh or Mother is the counter-balance, brought into relation with the Yod. The Son, (Vau) is, in this case, the creation of the state of Equilibrium. This state has also created a fourth, Heh the Daughter, which is the increase in weight, etc. This fourth state is of the nature of the Mother and must be addressed by similar means, ie, she is placed on the throne of the mother.

Equilibrium is not a Static State.

Newton's law states that: "for every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action."

The action of weighing the two components creates a third- Equilibrium. But the re-action must be Equal and Opposite. The first two components were opposed in weight, in order to create the third, so, the resultant state of equilibrium must also have its natural opposition in order for the equation to be Equal as well as Opposite.

From the view-point of the Empress, this unifies the Tree of Life and therefore existence, in the phrase: "Malkuth is in Kether, but after another manner", or "that which is above is like that which is below." The Empress is that Door, by which, All comes into being and so is by nature feminine and passive.

Either side of this door is equal to the other and within or at the door is Equilibrium. The Magickal title of the Empress card is: "the Daughter of the Mighty Ones" and she is under the sign of Venus, which we take to mean Love. For an insight into the nature of Love, see Liber AL vel Legis.

As stated earlier, the partner of the Empress is the Hierophant, attributed to Taurus, which is also ruled by Venus . He represents the Great Teacher or Initiator, reconciling all things that exist to the Great Work. On one level, He is the urge within us to aspire, but, on a greater level, he represents the Holy Guardian Angel. In this capacity, he has been referred to as the Greater or True Self and has attracted such titles as The Divine Genius. Once contact with the HGA has been made, the process is still only begun. It continues with the Adept learning to open himself further to the Truth. Part of the process involves the teaching of the Mysteries to enable Initiation to continue. The mental concept of the HGA is the smallest of manifestations. One may talk about such occurrence, although to do so is highly irregular. The affair (and it is that) takes place on an increasingly rarefied level, although the connection grows in strength each day. This experience is always of a nature pertinent to each individual. Generalisations may be made, but comparison is only possible over a large scale. The final method or rather the actual event of communion, cannot be discerned or interpreted by another. However, once the event has taken place, certain factors are symptomatic. The Knowledge and Conversation of the HGA is the Equilibration of the Self. The manifestation that I call "I" is the "blindest and most ignorant of brutes" without it. Fortunately, it is quite rare to find an individual not influenced from above to some degree.

To define the HGA is impossible even if I wished to do so since it is He that defines us. However what is relevant to the subject of Equilibrium is the Juxtaposition with the Empress. The symbolism is male/female, but defines an infinitely more vast conception. See Liber AL vel Legis.

The attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, is the work of the Outer Order and here things become a little more accessible.

The Hebrews determined three sections to man:

  1. Neschamah - the higher aspiration of the soul (also further classified)
  2. Ruach - although further classified as well, is the reasoning powers, mental faculties, the mind
  3. Nephesch - the animal soul, the place of the instincts.

The animal instincts, natural to humans, are quite often found to be the directors of the intellect or reasoning powers. The task of the Aspirant is to balance himself within the Elements in order to connect with the HGA. If he is at the constant whim or gross emotion and instinct, he will find the mind constantly dragged off course. Notice I say Mind and not Will. The will is independent of the Mind. It is capable of operating through any of the three sections of Man.

The initial task of the aspirant, is to bring these instincts under the control of the Ruach. This may be accomplished by the use of Ritual or Yoga or both. It can be analysed by self-examination, with the aid of Divination and the Qabala. A by-product or (since I am preaching to the informed) the Daughter of the process is the control of the Elements. At first, these seem external to the Aspirant, but, as proficiency increases with deeper understanding, the Grand-Unity of all things is glimpsed. As soon as the process is begun, the Ruach (or intelligence) begins operating unhampered. The game becomes one of vigilance regarding the instincts. The process continues until the mind is also found to be faulty.

The current, vulgar, point of view is, that the intellect is supreme. This is no great surprise, considering humanities current obsession with technological advance. It is amazing to see just how clever (as a species) we have become. The trouble is, that this is only one facet of human capability.

To access that which is beyond mind (or should I say to allow it access to us), one must balance the thoughts. These are brought into relation, each with it's opposite and are invariably found to be untrue.

The sign Libra/ cardinal Air , corresponding to the card VIII-Adjustment, demonstrates the necessity of the operation. Air is the Element of the East, the place of Sunrise, "from whence all light comes". Air is also the medium whereby we receive sound which is that which informs. If we are able to balance the intellect, as was done with the emotions, there is heard that voice of All Truth, which informs Man by LVX. If this is done, Equilibrium will still follow the formula, but, the daughter will be the path inward.

Finally, the nature of Equilibrium, which applies to all states and is of the nature of Magickal Operation.

Once we have brought ourselves to a balanced state (relative is fine, but perfect is better) we remove the constraint of inertia which may hamper the Will. As has been said, the Daughter is the control of the Elements. So too, as we increase in our understanding that all is ultimately one, equilibration of apparently separate objects to ourselves is possible. If any object be in a state of Equilibrium, the closer to the perfect state it becomes, the more it's potential for movement is created. Movement infers change and change is the nature of Magick.


P.S. I am well aware that this article is of the nature of a three-card trick. But, its ultimate nature is of the one that is seen as two.

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Last updated on the 21.June.00 1