Kingdom Nugget No. 21




          We have probably all attended ‘grade school’ and we do not expect those in the early grades to understand what ‘the high school’ students are learning. As one grows up, then one gains a greater understanding both in school studies and also in life and relationships.

                Just as there is a difference in our natural schooling, so is there in the family of God. We start off ‘as babes desiring the sincere milk of the word’  to  mature overcomers who will partake of the hidden manna . . . all of which is provided by the Lord Jesus Christ.

                We are instructed by Paul of old ‘to grow up into Him in all things who is the Head even Christ’.  Remember that the ‘Church’ is the ‘Body of Christ’. . . but it is the ‘Head’ that contains the full mind of Christ.

                There is a distinct difference between ‘belonging to the Church’ and ‘moving in the Kingdom of God’.  There is a growing-up required so that one’s believing and understanding is increased by the revealing work of the Indwelling Spirit who, we are told, is our Teacher. The Teacher can only operate to full capacity or expression when the listeners are teachable, willing to change and hungry for more of God to be released from their lives.

                The New Testament . . . the New Covenant is set towards a fixed end. God has set in place His purposes and He also has unveiled the means to attain His plan . . . namely that He will have a visible expression of Himself in the earth in all His fullness — God being all in all.


                THE PATTERN

                It is recorded in the Old Testament that, having left Egypt, God gave Israel the command and opportunity to enter into the Promised Land. It was a reasonably short three-day journey across the Sinai desert and then across the river Jordan. Because of unbelief caused by the lack of hearing or wanting to hear, they ended up going round the wilderness for 40 years.  At the end of that time, God had prepared a remnant through Joshua and Caleb telling them it was time to cross over into their inheritance of which these two had experienced a foretaste.

                While they journeyed through that wilderness, God provided all their needs. They received and saw many miracles of care, healing and leading.

                Israel had the opportunity to go right on through and inherit the Promised Land. God knew how they would so choose because of the ‘Egypt thinking’ in them was stronger than ‘the word of the Lord’. However, God, being God, will have His way and so there came a time — a certain preordained time — for those that were ready to enter in to do so — and it is the same . . .


                FOR US TODAY

                Let us make it clear that we are not in any way degrading or putting-down the Church, for she is God’s glorious ‘stepping-stone’  . . . a place of growing up into the mature ways of the Kingdom of God. The Promised Land of ancient times equates with the Kingdom of God in this present hour.

                Jesus came to the age of 30 and brought the word of God to His people concerning entering into His Kingdom but, just like the O.T.  pattern, the people would not hearken and so God put the Kingdom reality in abeyance for 40 jubilees . . . 2000 years. In the same way that He provided everything for His people in the wilderness, He has provided everything needed for ‘the Church’ . . . for those whose vision did not include entering in at that time.  The 40 year wilderness period was ‘grafted in’ to Israel’s journey and calling. Likewise the 40  jubilee Church age had been ‘grafted in’ to God’s purpose and calling of His Kingdom.

                His Kingdom is His mankind in His image and likeness (Gen. 1:26) and He, being God, has not changed (Mal.4:6). Mankind is the suit of clothes that God  goes around in!

                Notice how the Father does the personal drawing of each one. ‘No man comes to the Father except He draw him’. The revelation of the Kingdom of God will be unveiled to each in his own order and with that drawing will come the necessary degree of faith so that each can enter into rest as God did in the beginning. The Lord is in control of all details . . . ‘This is the work of God that you believe on Him . . .’ Our part is just to respond to the hunger that God creates in each . . . It is good to tell Him that you are desirous for all that He has for you!

                The ‘Wilderness-Church Age’ is fast drawing to a close when the people will be led into the ‘Promise-Land-Kingdom-of-God’ realm by ‘the Joshua and Caleb’  remnant — the sons who have been matured through the dealings of God for this time. The whole creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God . . . those in whom Christ is being fully revealed. 



          There are so very many examples in the gospels to show the interchange of the terms ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and ‘Kingdom of God’. “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 10:7). . . while in Luke 9:2, the same instance is rendered the kingdom of God’.  The two terms are synonymous.

                Jesus mentioned ‘The Church’ just twice in His 3½ years ministry . . . but He was constantly speaking of the Kingdom realm with parables and signs. Similarly the prophets of old mentioned the ‘kingdom’ but never mentioned  ‘the Church’. Jesus gave no revelation of the Church, only the Kingdom which was His whole vision for mankind.

                God foreknew that the Church would come forth and spend 40 jubilees in the ‘wilderness’ just as He foreknew that the children of Israel would spend 40 years in their wilderness. His Spirit indwells His people, the Church — He only would be the means of one entering into the full ‘Promise Land’ of today, the Kingdom of God where God-thoughts (the mind of Christ) are heard and carried out.



                One becomes a part of the ‘Body of Christ’ . . . the Church . . . when one confesses the Lord Jesus Christ believing in their heart that He died to remove their sins and He is alive (Rom.10:9-10). By one Spirit are we baptized into one body (I Cor.12:13). . . and again in Eph.5:23, Christ is the Head of the Church and He is the Saviour of the Body. Out of many, many scriptures, let us include here, Rom.12:15  So we being many are one Body in Christ and every one members one of another.

                The  ‘grafted-in-Church’ God surely planned. From His omniscient vantage point of being God, He knew aforetime that His people would reject the Kingdom at first  just like Israel of old as a whole, rejected the Promised Land. God raised up Paul to bring forth the details and vision of the true Church. Sad to say even that vision has fallen by the wayside in so many ways over the centuries, making it more difficult for God’s people to hear the call of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth in this hour. Thus there has developed many contrasts between the Church and the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus taught and walked the Kingdom message and made almost no reference to the Church even though God knew of its need. However, this is the hour when the Church is being challenged to be drawn up into experiencing the Kingdom realm.

                The CHURCH  (or ECCLESIA which means ‘called-out ones’) is a visible, tangible body of believers ‘called-out’ of  ‘Egypt’ (the ways and life-style of the world) becoming a corporate fellowship where membership is developed. The Church has a different vision to that of the Kingdom of God. She physically is in the world and thus in the ‘limelight’ promoting Life to the dying and needy.  Remember, Jesus said, ‘My kingdom is not of this world’. God works within to change each apprehended one so that they can impart His life with a greater authority.



                One joins the Church-Body by CONFESSING the Lord Jesus Christ as we have seen (Romans 10:9-10  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.         For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation).

                  We ‘accept’ Christ that He is our Saviour . . . saving us from all the hangovers of the old Adam nature that produces self-centredness and sin.  I John 4:15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him, and he in God.

                Initial spiritual life is created by the Spirit-life of God being infused or conceived in one. It is like the egg of the mother being fertilized by the life from the father and life (in God) begins. The embryo grows and develops in the ‘womb-man’ expanding the attributes of its father. However everything is done for the babe by the mother. Mother-Church cares for her young until development has been achieved ready then for the final part of the birthing.  Then, by surrendering to the impulses of the life within, one is brought forth out of the darkness (=ignorance) of the limited womb (woman-life) into His marvellous light . . . that of His Kingdom. Remember we have noted that one is BORN into the Kingdom.



                Let us examine the whole picture of ‘spiritual birthing’ bearing in mind that it is not supposed to follow every detail of the natural picture. ‘Conception’ is most assuredly a definite encounter with Father-God as He draws a soul unto Himself. Conception is the beginning of this birthing process and starts as a mental agreement with the truth of the gospel how that Christ died for each one and He has removed all one’s sin at Calvary and how God raised Jesus from the dead. Christ Jesus (the Spirit of God) takes up residence in one’s heart (nature) and new life begins. Christ then gives each one assurance that a definite transaction or change has taken place. You are not what you were like, you are a new creation with old things having passed away and all things are now new (2 Corin. 5:17). The Seed which is Christ, is now within you and you are a child of God. I Peter 1:21 spells out this step by saying that one is born again by an incorruptible seed, the word of God. . . but the ‘seed-part’ is the conception aspect of the whole birthing process.

                The ‘birthing-process’ in the natural takes nine months in which the babe develops under mother’s full care to the point in time when the babe enters an entirely new realm. The scriptural term of ‘being born again’ which has been so banded around without understanding, actually includes all the steps and growing pains of development. However there will be marked changes that one will be able to observe as the ‘child of God’ grows up.

                This discourse will be difficult to grasp if one retains the old traditional belief that there is no difference between ‘the Church’ and ‘the kingdom of God’. Each child of God should look for changes and progress in their testimony but, sad to say, most Christian folk attending ‘Church’ have not made any appreciable progress.  Weekly evangelical sermons do little to succour and sustain growth in the babes in Christ. In passing, aren’t the sheep, anyway, supposed to bear the lambs? Why preach a ‘salvation message’ to those already saved? Much better to Feed My sheep’ and let the Holy Spirit apply the word to each heart present.



                The scripture declares that all were in Christ before the foundation of the world. It will come forth every man in his own order. The Kingdom of God is within each one (the calling or vision, the walk, the abilities to become and His anointing), in the same way that the Promised Land was meant for all of Israel back in Exodus. However, there were Joshua and Caleb along with a new generation that entered in first to their calling and the Promised Land. These ones were ‘chosen’ (by God) and came out of the whole.    

                The kingdom expression today will be seen in a people who have responded to the inner urgings of the Spirit to walk in God’s parallel calling and provision. These are the firstborn  or the firstfruits of God’s unchanging kingdom-vision that is in each . . . hidden in many. The time is here when these ‘called-out ones’ can no longer remain restricted by Mother-Church’s activity, but will be birthed into the realm of ‘Father’s business’. . . His original plan. All creation is groaning and travailing for these mature ‘sons’ to come forth  . . . not ‘Christians’ but ‘sons’ . . . to set creation ‘free’ from the bondages and thinking of  the first Adam.


                Revelation 12 adds some clarity that the ‘man-child’ born here is fully mature (Rev 12:5)               And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

                ‘Brought forth’ is the last stage of the being born again process. Here is the evidence that there is a moving or coming forth from one arena (Mother-Church) to Father’s throne.

‘Man-child’ is two words in the Greek. ‘MAN’ from the  Gk. ARRHEN 730 which means male, man (as strong for lifting) and  ‘CHILD’ from the Gk. HUIOS 5207 which means a mature son.

                Another common  word for ‘child’  is TEKNON  in the Greek which means ‘child’ and also ‘one birthed’ (though sometimes in the KJV, it is translated ‘son’ which can be misleading). ‘Birthing’ as relating to salvation covers the time of conception, development and maturing until one is fully ready to enter the new realm of the Kingdom of God. Why so? Because this overcomer-man-child is birthed  or brought forth for a distinct purpose . . . to rule the nations with a rod of authority. Thus it is necessary for this birthed-one to enter into Father’s Throne from whence the ruling is carried out. Babes do not rule in this way and neither are they matured in an instance . . . everywhere in God’s creation, it takes time for a seed to grow and bring forth a harvest of itself! Father is in His throne and we need to experientially walk in the fact that He has said we are there with Christ in that throne. Walking with Father in His realm (Kingdom) is that we might learn His ways as firstborn adopted sons (see Kingdom Nuggets No.1).



                Maturing or growing up has a progressive development and each one has a slightly different timetable. Mother Church takes care of the young ones in Christ until they experience their ‘Bar-Mitzvah’ of being handed over to Father’s care. Jesus went to His ‘Bar-Mitzvah’ in Jerusalem when he was twelve years of age. He was then, as it were, ‘transferred to father’s care from mother’s upbringing to that point. It was then Jesus started His apprenticeship in the carpenter’s shop of Joseph. Bar-Mitzvah in the spirit equates with the baptism in the Holy Spirit where one begins to hear the voice of the Spirit within. It is one thing to have Christ within sealing one’s salvation and it is another thing to be led by the Indwelling- Christ all the time . . . As many as are led of the Spirit, they are the sons of God (Rom.8:14). The Church is a fellowship of ‘children’ (Gk. TEKNON) . . . believers that have not yet fully matured — very much like the ‘Grade school’ example above with many levels of development.  The Kingdom has ‘citizens’ who are ‘sons’ (GK.HUIOS) having grown up or matured under the processing Hand of the King — much like the ‘High School’ example at the beginning.  The Sovereign King, our Lord Jesus Christ,  first seeks those who are willing to forsake all of their own thinking for His.



                By contrast to one’s confession and getting ‘saved’, we are told that we enter the Kingdom realm by being ‘born again’ (born from above). . .  John 3:5  Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God . . .  by experiencing the life released from within. Such a birthing will release and transform one’s relationship with the Father. It is His life within that will change one from glory to glory into His image and likeness. (2 Cor.  3:18 with Genesis 1:26). His image is perfection — it cannot be otherwise — then we shall know the increasing release of His mind being worked out through us.  The Kingdom of God is a REALM of living where Christ-Jesus is fully King and fully Lord over the life.  When one is born of God, he does not commit sin (I John 3:9  Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin; for His seed remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God). The Kingdom of God is not seen outwardly for it is entirely within. . . a living progressive relationship.  Luke 17:21 ‘The Kingdom of God is within you’. . . and it ‘comes not with observation’ (outward display).


some of the differences

                The Church is the Body of Christ, a fellowship of believers — consisting of all those who have confessed Him as their Saviour and Lord.   Services and programs will be carried out corporately; there will be membership, ministries and timetables of events — all aspects are supposed to aid one’s growing up.

                By contrast, the Kingdom of Heaven is a realm . . . not a visible, tangible Body meeting in a building. The very meaning of the word ‘kingdom’ expresses this ‘kingdom-life-style’.  ‘Kingdom’ in the Greek = BASILEIA932 = properly, rule, kingdom, realm.  Add to this a summarized  dictionary definition for ‘kingdom’ which is a people or a land over which a king rules and has absolute authority. This covers every area, reaction and timing of one’s life.


                 Scripturally the message of the Church is centred around baptism . . . By one Spirit are ye baptized into one Body’ (I Cor. 12:13). The message of the Kingdom is God-birth . . . Except a man be born of the water and the Spirit, he cannot ENTER into the Kingdom of God (John 3:5). . . the full manifestation of the Christ-life previously started in one. It does not say one has to be ‘born again’ to enter into the ‘Church’! Verse 3 of John chapter 3 says, unless you are born of the spirit, you can’t even SEE the Kingdom of God. There has to be a full surrender of one’s own thinking to receive God’s revelation and insight from His mind which says Paul, each one brought into the family of God has been made aware of.

                Let us contrast SOME ASPECTS OF the messages of ‘the Church’ with those DESIRING TO AND BEGINNING TO WALK IN the Kingdom of god.  Again we encourage all hungry Church people by, we trust, placing before them this God-planned walk of reality that, because of Calvary’s provision, each may enter into experiencing continually. Traditional ‘Church’ expressions are for the babes and children of God’s family as they grow up so that they might mature in wisdom and understanding. God has given the Church a fivefold ministry to see that each member grows up into this fullness of Christ.  Read the following extract from Ephesians . . . read it slowly . . .


Ephesians 4:11-25

(11) And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; (12) For the perfecting of the saints (=separated ones), for the work of the ministry (of the Kingdom of God), for the edifying of the body of Christ: (13)  Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:

(14) That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive (so many differences are seen in the Church systems);

(15) But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things (every aspect and operation), which is the head, even Christ: (16) From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (17) This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, (18) Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: (19) Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. (20) But ye have not so learned Christ; (21) If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: (22) That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; (23) And be renewed in the spirit of your mind (this is growing up with a new thinking . . . Kingdom thinking . . . God-thought); (24) And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. (25) Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.


                The wonderful basic message of the Church is FORGIVENESS OF SINS . . . My little children  . .  if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous (I John 2:1).  This theme will be seen to be the ‘life’ of the church.  ‘Sin-consciousness’ is prevalent in the Church inferring that if one sins, that one will be cut off from God’s blessings!  God desires each to be ‘God-conscious’ — to know Him, His voice and His ways. The message of the Kingdom is redemption from sin — to walk by faith in that place of total deliverance . . . Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin’ (I John 3:9). The Church will talk about getting deliverance from Satan and being in battle against him while the Kingdom sons will purpose to declare and walk in the victory already obtained by Jesus Christ at Calvary.

                This is a good place to draw one’s attention to the fact that ‘perfection’ in all areas has not yet been manifested by the mature ones in Christ. In the God’s realm, the kingdom of Heaven, it is so — a ‘done-deal’  for  by God’s grace  is how God views it — whereby each endeavours to walk by faith into ‘the Promised Land’. It is not what one does or has to do, but rather who one is in Christ-Jesus and is convinced that Christ has provided all that we need . . . It is finished, He said.

                The message of the Church is ‘divine healing’ . . . By whose stripes ye were healed (I Peter 2:24) and  it is wonderful to see so many people helped and healed. By contrast the vision of the Kingdom is to declare that we walk in Divine Health. . . allowing here too for a time of transition.


                The Church’s message is prepare to ‘die and go to heaven’. 

                The ‘Church’ will mostly view ‘heaven’ as an actual physical place where one goes when one dies. However, heaven is not physical but is where God is and God is Spirit so that when one dies, their spirit returns back into God. Nonetheless it certainly is a real place in Him. Jesus, the Pattern Son, declared while standing on this earth, in John 3:13,  And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. Heaven, being God’s realm, will be fully manifested on this earth . . .Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven . . . ‘I am come that ye might have life and have it more abundantly’ (John 10:10). Similarly the Church declares God so loved the world that whosoever believes on Him should not go to hell but go to heaven’! The truth of the matter is what the Kingdom declares, that God so loved the WORLD not just the Christians . . . Calvary’s provision is for all mankind . . . it takes some a long time to acknowledge such a great and glorious provision.

                The Kingdom message by contrast speaks of preparing to live! . . . If a man will keep my sayings, he shall not see death (John 8:51). John 11:25-26           Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: (26)         And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believest thou this?  It is the resurrected Christ that lives in His Body, isn’t it?



                The message of the Church is for a structured setting which is needful and really helps the ‘children of God’ gain confidence and learn His ways .  . . called ‘growing up’. Grace has provided the provision for their new walk of faith. The Church will emphasize ‘covering’ and ‘commitment’.  The contrasting message of the Kingdom of Heaven is 

individual obedience to the voice of the Spirit  within. The indwelling Christ, the Living Word, is the covering that allows the Kingdom of God to be expressed. The effect of the Head controlling every part of the Body will be seen as one expression of Christ-Jesus in the earth — His kingdom seen as righteousness, peace and joy in Himself. This work that God is carrying out in His hungry saints is also by grace and not works.  Emphasis is on being rather than doing! ‘Knowing’ is greater than ‘faith’ . . . however, knowing comes by faith. Let me illustrate . . .  I come into your house with you after dark and I ask where the light switch is located. You tell and I believe your word. I have faith in what you have spoken and I act upon it and, voilà, light results. The next time I do not need to be told, I do not need to move in faith because I know where the switch is located. Because of the processing of the Spirit, the sons have matured through these ‘faith operations’ into knowing about the Kingdom of God experiencing it also. It is not presumption or pride, it is experience that works hope into one and it pleases the Father in heaven.



                Concerning worship, this beautiful expression of the Church is basically through ritual or pattern. There will usually be a ‘set’ order of service probably including a ‘praise and worship time’  as well as some ‘specials’ attractions which usually appeal to the natural life! Compare now the worship in the Kingdom setting which is worship in the Spirit . . . anywhere at any time or better still, all the time  for worship is a way of life not just an act of devotion . . . God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).



                Finances are very important.  The message of the Church is tithing . . . 10% for the Lord for the organization needs the resources to continue to operate along with offerings that too are needed for the specials occasions. The Kingdom’s message regarding resources is that 100% is the Lord’s! Each mature son will be coming into that place of this surrender, thus knowing where to pour out for the extension of the Kingdom.

                The message of the Church includes many programs and celebrations just like Israel of old celebrated the feasts. It covers basically special days . . .  meeting once a week on Sunday coupled with all the ‘specials’ of Easter, Christmas,  Anniversaries.  The Kingdom emphasizes that everyday is holy because of the awareness of Who dwells within . . . who they are in Christ not who they will be!



                The Church will emphasize living by what the Bible declares utilizing the ‘letter-word’ to a large degree seeing mostly the arena for its outworking to be in the natural realm.  The scriptures are a record of what God did and said along with man’s reactions some 2000 years or more ago.  The Kingdom of God declares that man lives not by bread alone, but by every word that PROCEEDS (now, in this hour) out of the mouth of God. Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice and they follow Me (John 10:16). The scriptures will confirm what God is saying today for He does not change . . . so what is the Spirit saying in this hour?

                The ‘letter-word’ look at scripture will produce numerous contradictions with many of them creating bondage or ‘rut-like-death’ in the hearers** (see next paragraph). The Holy Spirit within is the teacher and He will teach you all things says John 14:26. He does it by revelation and enlightenment that He freely gives those who are truly teachable, prepared to change and who trust Him because they are coming to know Him intimately as Father. Jesus came to show us the Father. The Church will predominantly focus on Jesus, the man of Galilee, the Saviour of the world . . .  and that’s OK!  Many will refer to Christ being in them as per scripture, for the resurrected Christ in them is the hope of glory. Christ is God manifest in the earth. The Son of Man, Jesus, was made both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36), so Jesus equates with Christ. Instead of the anointing of God’s presence being in just one, Jesus, He is now in a corporate body . . . the Body of Christ in which the life of God dwells and has full sway.

                The ‘spirit-word’ in scripture becomes a life-giving tool in His hands for the Spirit gives life (2 Corin. 3:6**). The Spirit is unveiling present truth of the Kingdom of God by giving the hungry saints insight into what God intended with His word and that is life and that more abundantly. Remember that it is the Holy Spirit who is the Teacher.

                Much enlightenment is coming forth from seeing the true meaning of the words that were used and recorded by God. KJV-1611 English is very limited and even some of the modern translations often don’t help . . . however the Greek and Hebrew original languages give so much insight into the heart of God, for God chose the Hebrew and Greek languages for that reason. Many times this ‘unveiling’ will be the exact opposite to what ‘Mother-Church-Ministries’ have taught her children.

                The message of the Church will be about the Passover and Pentecost Feasts . . . Christ being our Passover and the Holy Spirit baptism releasing the received life, the Living Word,  from within. Kingdom teaching will add to this the Feast of Tabernacles and bring all three feasts together to be stepping-stones to the experiencing of the throne where Christ has stated we sit in Him with Father (Eph. 2:6). Man was originally brought forth to have dominion over what God had created, God’s plan or intent has never changed for He changes not.



                We must not overlook the subject of ‘covering’. The Church emphasizes  that each member needs to be covered by ‘a ministry’, a (true?) shepherd who really cares and has the calling to lead the sheep into maturity and the fullness of God.  The Kingdom of God expresses God’s Life that the Spirit Himself within, is the covering that genders life and when He speaks, obedience follows and His kingdom appears a little more on this earth. He still ‘broods’ over His creation!


                                                                      NOW OR LATER?         

                The Church’s message is mostly futuristic . . . what is going to be or going to happen when Jesus comes! (May we ask, when did He leave?)  Using the ‘letter’ word which the Holy Spirit has not given His enlightenment upon, the Church will teach about ‘a rapture’ which, when analyzed, seems much like a comic strip! Such futuristic messages do not bring a lasting change in the hearers.

                The Kingdom of God is at hand . . . said Jesus 200 years ago. He never intimated anything future with that statement, now did He?  In Father’s eyes, because of the provision of Calvary, we are in Him and, as this is revealed to us, we walk by faith in what God has said about us. Truly the Kingdom (walk and expression) is at hand (now). Focus is many times drawn to natural Israel as a ‘marker’ for this hour. Once one uses the natural ‘letter word’, the conclusions are very natural and carnal for such thinking does not come from the mind of Christ where Jesus said His words they were spirit and they were life (John 6:29). The Holy Spirit will teach one ALL things (John 14:26) and that doesn’t leave much over for anyone to work out just because he has been to school!

                The message of the Kingdom is that the ruling and reigning with Christ is here and now on this earth affecting ‘out there’! Never forget that He, being God Almighty, has sovereign control over the ‘earth’ that is each of us and also the whole creation. The message of the Church is usually  “turn or burn” . . . believe the gospel or  go to hell . . . they call that ‘the gospel’  which means ‘good news’ . . . what’s good about that? The truth of the matter is that God is not willing that any perish (2 Peter 3:9). Some even share in the end  that Jesus saved 10% and He won, while the Devil kept 90% and he lost!



                To move in the Kingdom of God realm, one needs a whole new thinking . . . the mind of Christ is totally different from the mind of ‘Adam’ even a ‘saved Adam’.  The word ‘REPENTANCE’ in the Greek language means AN OVERRIDING BY A NEW MIND or simply, DRAW YOUR THINKING FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. This is why Jesus, who ONLY taught aspects of the Kingdom of Heaven, declared that we were to repent  for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.  This true calling has somewhat become overshadowed by the Church’s meaning of the word which is used to get people to come to the Lord   with tears of repentance etc. that is Godly sorrow which leads to repentance according to the scriptures (2 Cor 7:10  For Godly sorrow works repentance to salvation . . .). When one gets saved as we have shown, there should be the evidence of the beginning of a whole new thinking that will culminate in become one with God’s thinking. Then our testimony will be as the prototype-Kingdom-Son of God’s was . . . I and My Father are one . . . if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father  . . . add to that our aspect for me to live is Christ (not will be — note the ‘present’ tense!). . . For in Him we live, and move and have our being. . . and that will not be in any half measure!


                If you are one of those who are truly hungry for all that God has prepared for you, then may I suggest that you prayerfully consider what had been shared in this writing. We can truthfully say that the Church over the last 2000 odd years has not produced the result in line with the great provision that was given her at Calvary.

                It is time that we examine ourselves and see exactly who we really are according to God’s word. In discovering that answer you will also discover so much about our Father which is thrilling. We will also experience His great love to an amazing depth far beyond that initial experience of knowing our past sinful life was removed forever.



                Be encouraged to ‘move on’, to grow in Christ and be aware that the Lord Jesus Christ loves and died for all mankind not willing that any should perish — but especially for the household of faith. Those who are led by the spirit, they are the sons of God and they are the firstfruits of the harvest of Himself whom God can trust with His ruling and reigning work of this seventh day.

                Christ was the incorruptible Seed (I Peter 1:23) conceived into our hearts that, through the nurturing of Mother Church, followed by the direct leading of Father God, will surely bring forth an incorruptible harvest of Himself . . . every seed brings forth after its kind . . . the real Feast of Tabernacles will accomplish this. If it was only to be in the spirit realm we call heaven, then God need not have created a universe as the stage of operations. His will must be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.               

1 Cor 15:53            For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. Now you answer the question, ‘Who does this?’  . . . we do by His power and grace. . . what a loving Father! §