To :
(Created in 23/7/1998)
(Up dated in Jan/ 05/2000)
Happy New year 2000


                My name is RAMSIS , I was born in Alexandria - Egypt , so I speak Arabic, and there I had been live all my childhood, but I had been leave it to work at the ships so I visited  many countries around the world .

        I stopped in Italy and I had been living a part of my life in Milan so I speak Italian . Now I live in Canada, so I speak English,and my
beautiful  province , is Quebec .But my  magnificent city is Montreal ,
 and naturally je parle Francais . I hope you enjoy while you surf at my home page, and feel free to E-mail me or contact me,I like make new friends.



If you want hear to Um-Koulthoum,Abdel Halim Hafez,
M.Abdel Wahab,Farid El-Atrash , Leila Mourad and more..
        Or listen to the daily news of the Radio, Or read the news
paper in Arabic Language. Click on Media in second paragraph
down.. You will found many and many. to enjoy.

             Well .. I present here my web site to let everyone enjoy  to discover Egypt , and never  forget Our Egypt anywhere, anytime , and    you can know every think about it 

.Here you can found the best  sources to Visit Egypt ,the weather there, the international exchange , the Media  witch there you can found news paper in Arabic, TV Live, Radio daily news in Arabic & English .Also a lot of songs , music & midi .

You can read and lestin to The Holly Quraan , in Arabic, and when
 you finished you can visit the Presidential palace ,or look for  some
 free Software ,and also you can look for your old friends at
  Cairo on the net or Alexandria on the net.
 Maybe you wont know some thing about Port Said or Damietta and
don't forget our heroes of 6 October ,witch they gift the victory to Egypt , and are you know how they get this victory?

  When you go to Al-azhar you will know every things about the Islamic relegion from official secour source.

          I hope you enjoy and have a happy time , if you aren't satisfied, feel free to E-mail me ,yours commet its importants to me.


The crossing of The Suez Canal
October 1973
The Best Links
Haneen to Egypt
Time at the World.   Arabic Software    Encyclopedia Coptic.
Egypt Classifieds    North Egypt   Arab Index.
  Canada 411   Matrimony    Don't  be Alone
  Send Card.   Foods Recipes.   Look For Jobs ?
More Links Coming Soon ! !
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(The Site Under Construction
This Page designed  and created by Ramsis at 23/7/1998
Last modification  January 05/2000