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Dandelion (Taraxam officinale)

A member of the composite family this plant is very common in England and France. It grows up to 50cm tall and the leaves are tooth-like lobes in a rosette formation at the base of the stem. Everyone knows the bright yellow flower heads. Their fruit are carphphores mounted on white tufts. In England children "tell the time" by the number of puffs they take to blow off all the fruit. The flowers appear from March to October. The leaves can be picked all year round. The roots are collected in February or September, between June and August they are at their bitterest. Split lengthways before drying. The entire plants is used.

Dandelion extract can double or even quadruple the volume of bile excreted in 30 minutes, making it useful in treating hepato-biliare problems and a congested liver. In decoction the leaves and roots are tonic, depuratif, cholagogue, digestive stimulant and laxative. They act on the gall-bladder, liver and kidneys. The dandelion helps to eliminate cholesterol, urea and uric acid. It is also taken at the end of a jaundice, slow digestion, gout, rheumatism, skin complaints, constipation, diabetes, arteriosclerose, circulation problems, and for cellulite. The good thing about the dandelion is that the usual loss of vital potassium from the body, which occurs with normal kidney function stimulating drugs, is avoided with this plant. Therefore any cardio-vascular problem that may be present is not aggravated. As a cholagogue it may be used in cases of inflammation or congestion of the liver and gall-bladder. The white sap of the stems and roots can be applied locally on verrucas but do not apply on the skin around a verruca. The sap has a corrosive action.

The Whole Plant: serves as diuretic and hepatic stimulant. It is said to cleanse blood and eliminate toxins. It is also used for furuncles, boils and abscesses.

The Leaves: Diuretic, tonic, digestive, and hepatic. Contains glycosides, bitter principles, carotene, terpenoids, choline and potassium, manganese, iron and other minerals, vitamins A, B, C, and D. They are rich in potassium (up to 5%) of which the loss is important in cases of abundant diuresis. They are advised for hydric retention and in various urinary complaints. They are a good liver and digestive tonic. Pick during the growing period. One can eat a salad of diced bacon and dandelion leaves, or replace spinach with the chopped leaves.

The Roots: Tonic, hepatic, cholagogue, diuretic, gentle laxative, anti-rheumatic (glycoside, bitter principles, tannins, triterpenes, asparigine, inulin). A valuable hepatic stimulant, it is a gentle depuratif tonic against a large range of complaints, from gallstones to jaundice. It is a precious aid in constipation and for chronic toxic conditions, such as articulation inflammations, eczema and acne. Pick in autumn. The 2 year old roots dug in autumn, sun dried or roast in a low oven, with the door ajar, until they’re brittle make an excellent coffee substitute, grind in a coffee grinder. Dandelion is used as a cholesteric: in cases of minor hepatic complaints, against hyperchoesteromy, arteriosclerosis; in dermatology (acne for example); it treats freckles.

Posology: Soak for 2 hours 30g of leaves and roots (15g of each) in 1 litre of water. Heat over a low heat and remove just before boiling. Drink 3 cups a day, a quarter of an hour before eating. To fade freckles pick the leaves at midday when they are fully open. Simmer them in 1 litre of water for half an hour. Then press out the juice. Put the lotion on the face morning and night!

Decoction: 2-3 tsp root per cup of water, bring to boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Drink 3 cups per day.

Tincture: 5-10ml 3 times a day.

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Green Salad

Mix crisp green lettuce, watercress, shredded spinach, nasturtium leaves and dandelion leaves, chopped fennel leaves and bulb, salad dressing made from garlic, honey and mint (nasturtium is a natural antibiotic).

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Healthy Salad

1 crisp eating apple, 3 dandelion leaves, 1 fresh or dried fig, 1 basil leaf, 1 tsp fresh lemon juice, 1tsp olive oil, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste. Wash the apple well and chop it up without peeling. Shred dandelions, chop fig, and mix with apple and then mix in lemon juice followed by olive oil. Season well and eat immediately.

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Natural Deodorant Cleansing Bath Bag

Take 3 handfuls each of dandelion leaves and stinging nettles, 2 handfuls each of blackberry leaves and scented geraniums. Tie into a muslin drawstring bath bag (or large white cotton handkerchief) and leave under running bath water.

Julia Renshaw

Copyright © 1999 Julia Renshaw. All rights reserved.

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