First Opening

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First "Opening"

Dear Kaz,
I enjoyed your newsletter, thank you sweetie. After reading some of your experiences I would like to share with you my first 2opening". This happened about 11 years ago...

It was very late at night. I was lying on the couch, in our family room, completely relaxed. I felt sort of tingly and realised that the clock over my head had quit ticking. I looked at the fish tank, the bubbles and the fish were not moving, my wind chimes outside were now silent, it was as if time stood still.

I felt totally free, as if I were being drawn upward toward an unseen source of complete love and warmth. Along with me were many others, all going toward this radiance. Time and space no longer existed. I realised that I understood... We were all part of the whole, a very important part to which I was returning. I was wrapped in complete Unconditional Love and felt myself becoming part of that love. Love for all, by all. I knew this was what death is.

This was something so beautiful, loving, caring and forgiving... right and wrong did not exist in it. ALL was love, all was complete. I felt sad that I must return and wondered if that was right for me, if it was allowed, now that I knew - and immediately felt it was allowed... IF I allowed it. (I had always thought that was a choice made by a higher power... source, etc.)

It was MY choice and no matter what choice I picked it would be the "right" one. It was okay not to go yet. Then I realised why. We were all here on Earth for a reason, to help each other, to love each other. I had a lot to do yet, before I could choose to go.

I felt that being positive was the key... about everything and everyone... it is so important that it is the key to life. We are what we think... I was like a small child just learning what somehow we forgot... That everything has a reason for being. That we are all so closely inter-twined that we are but ONE. We are weaving a beautiful tapestry called life... with everything we do and think... every single person is adding what needs to be there to make it complete... up close it doesn't seem to be that much, but oh, the big picture is one beyond words.

We were and are spiritual first. The body is here on Earth to learn and to teach. We all do both! And Unconditional Love is the reality. The only Truth. That seeing it in ourselves and all others is true happiness.

As I came back, I understood why we choose to stay (death) within all that wonderful Unconditional Love because becoming part of this Love is "heaven". The love we feel on Earth is only a small part of the whole. We can feel so much more of this "heavenly love" right now, right here... by changing our perspective of ourselves and others. Knowing that what we each do is needed... in order for each of us to grow... no right or wrong... no mistakes... no judgement... we are all parts of ONE... LOVE.

So you see Karen, time had to stop and I needed to be drawn from my body, back into spirit to understand what is all around us!! There are wonderful messages of the Unconditional Love in everyone and everything... we can open our eyes and ears... by first opening our hearts.

Love and Light ALL ways

Judy, Ohio, USA

Copyright © 1998 Judy. All rights reserved.

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Last modified:March 07, 2000

 The Crystal Star