Goddess Hela
I took the pictures below at a place called "Helspfuhl" or "Blanke Hölle" in Berlin, Germany.
This is one version of the story behind that place:
When the first monks came into the country, the Tempelhofer Feld was still covered with dense forest. Inside was a quiet lake, which later on was called Helspfuhl. The water was pure and warm and the forest surronding it was untouched. On the bank was a hidden stone of sarifice; Near to it was a hut covered with moos, and beside it shone a shining plow. This is how a monk, who lost his way, found the place:
An old pagan Priest came out of the hut towards the monk. The Priest wellcomed him friendly and gave him food and drink.
" Whom do you serve? " the monk asked.
" Hela ", answered the heathen and pointed towards the water.
" From what do you live? " the other one asked again.
" Wait! ", the priest aswered. The evening-red made the lake look very beautifull.
A black bull slowly climbed out of the lake. The old man harnnessed it in front of the plow and lead it to the narrow, fruitful strip of the bank. Then he led the animal back to the water in an affectionate manner. -- Grain sprouted very rapitly from the plowed soil, grew, flowered and carried fruit.
The monk was wondering. " Who provides for you? " he asked again.
" Hela", answered the old Priest and pointed towards the Lake.The next morning he already harvested the grain. " That will be enough for both of us, until the next harvest. "he said friendly.
"I am Christian! " the otherone replaid. The old man smiled. " Comes with me! " he said and carried the first grains of the harvest to the altar, lit a fire and thanked.
There the monk yielded back. From the smoke a shape apeared, lifted her hands to bless and disappeared."Hela! " the priest cried. Then he returned to the hut with his companion. " I must die ", he said there, " and you will be my successor and will guardthe sanctuary. " - " I am Christian! " - " Hela has blessed you ", the old man answered persitantly," and She has chosen you in front of my eyes!"
During this night he died. The monk buried him and stayed. There was no other place to go to for him! He would not have found his way out of the wilderness and there was suficcient grain for his food in the hut. But he did not care for the flowers at the holy stone.
When the grain was gone, he one day went to the altar. A white pigeon with red feet flew to him, and in his sutten fright he whispered: " Father, son and holy spirit! " Then the waters rows and pulled him down. Only with serrious difficulties he reached the shores. He was wearing a cross made from five Immortellen-Flowers on his chest. That had saved him for this time.
Not long after the monk wanted to bathe, and with his dresses he also took off the cross. So the black bull came up, branched, from nobody led, willingly into the yoke and plowed roaring the bank. It began to lower itself. The earth opened, ice-cold tides roared up and swallowed animal and man.
Every year since then the lake took a victim; because Hela is angry with the Christians.
From " Legends of Berlin " William Jung, Alfa Druck, Berlin
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