To Andrea Cahan's Home Page

I would like to thank you for visiting my web site. This site is to introduce myself to you. Please also visit the Snohomish High School's page to learn more about Snohomish High School. There are several links on this page to help you navigate through this web site and find the information you are looking for.

If you have any questions please e-mail me at


School PageThis link will connect you to a web page that will show you a picture of the school and share a little history.
Personal BiographyThis link will give you some insight into my personal life!
Course DescriptionsClick on the link to explore the descriptions of the courses I teach.
Classroom RulesClick here to see the rules we have established for a smooth running class.
Grading PolicyThis will link you to the explanation of the grading policy in Mrs. Cahan's class.
Attendance/Tardy PoliciesThese are the attendance and tardy policies for Mrs. Cahan's class.
Daily Notes & HomeworkHere are some notes to help clear any confusion on this weeks lesson as well as the homework assignments.
History of MathematicsClick here to go to a page of links and information on the history of math.
Question Answer PageClick here to read questions from other parents and students that I have answered.
Important Dates to KnowHere are some important dates for our classes and the school.
Daily Bulletin for SHSClick here to see the important events that are happening at SHS today.
WASL Information Click here to learn more about the WASL and see some sample questions.
Answers to WASLClick here to see the answers to the sample WASL questions.
Survey of the Web SitePlease click here to give me some feedback on this web site.