Bulldog Information Pages

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During the mid 1980’s I took up a challenge, and this where I have arrived by the end of 1998.

Specifically, I overheard Delmar Shackleford state that he had finished over one hundred Champions. I was in awe, but somewhat skeptical. I started out to prove a point about Delmar’s veracity, but in hind sight we owe him a debt of gratitude for this endeavor.

Having saved AKC Gazettes from the early 1970’s, I started a database on my new Kaypro Computer. When I completed that I had a compulsive need for more information. During a trip to NYC, I stopped at the AKC Library. I mentioned what I was doing and said they had a file of all Bulldog Champions from day one through 1972. The file was on 3x5 cards. They said they could run me copies of the cards on 8x17 sheets of paper at a nominal charge per sheet, I jumped at the chance. 3900 records later I had a complete database of all AKC Bulldog Champions. I have maintained the list which now excedes 6900 Champions.

As I updated computers, I have expanded the various databases in my collection. Some are included on separate pages, but are too cumbersome to be listed. I summarize each below, and explain each on its own venue.

  1. Bulldog Champions: All AKC Bulldog Champions as published in Official AKC Publications. I have included those published in Studbooks before 1889.

  2. All Dogs: A composite of 16000 dogs gathered from various sources. All Champions, their Sire and Dams, all Bulldogs registered by AKC between 1887 and 1899, English ancestors of the earl imported dogs, dogs from our kennel, and where I can find some information linking a dog to a Champion.

  3. Bulldog Club of America-Hall of Fame Breeders: All Bulldog breeders who have bred 10 or more Champions. Included are the year the Breeder became eligible, and the year they were inducted into the Hall of Fame.

  4. Bulldog Club of America-Hall of Fame Sires: All Dogs who sired 10 or more Champions. Included are the year the Sire became eligible, and the year they were inducted into the Hall of Fame.

  5. Bulldog Club of America-Hall of Fame Dams: All Bitches who whelped 4 or more Champions. Included are the year the Sire became eligible, and the year they were inducted into the Hall of Fame.

  6. Photos: The location of over 10,000 pictures of Bulldogs. Every picture published in the Bulldogger. This is not complete listing and is on going.

  7. Index: A listing of all articles, and many facts published in the Bulldogger. This is not complete listing and is on going.

  8. Best in Show: Bulldogs, by show, who have won Best in Show at All Breed Shows. This is not complete listing and is on going.

  9. Bulldog Club of America Specialty Show Results: Show information and Show results for the top placements. This is not complete listing and is on going.

  10. Mascots: Bulldogs as Mascots for major educational instutions.

  11. BCA Gallery of Annual Specialtity Show Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. The official portaits of these winners. The gallery includes the winners since 1949. This the year that the Bulldog Club of America was recognized into the format that exist today. I am sending you to the BCA Site.



Send mail to edscully@glis.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: December 12, 1998