True Grace Ministries
++++ A Ministry of Reconciliation ++++
Established: September 22, 1995

"In essentials, Unity;
In non-essentials, Liberty;
In all things, Love."
Grace Ministries

"Endeavoring to keep
the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace"
"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about things, small minds talk about other people."

Welcome to the True Grace Ministries website!

True Grace Ministries is an interdenominational Christian ministry and one resource among many for disciples who seek ever more intimate communion with Christ within the household of faith, and who seek to engage the world in loving witness as ambassadors of God's Kingdom (Heb. 3: 1-6; John 17:20-26; Col. 1:23,13).

On our website you will find a variety of associated ministries and fellowships, inspirational, devotional, and Theological articles, sermons, a prayer chapel, etc., but first, please read The Basis for Christian Fellowship. Then continue to read below on this page where you will find information about our Mission, and links to other features on our website.

Our Mission

The mission of True Grace Ministries encompasses both an internet as well as local community ministry and includes, but is not limited to:
  1. enlisting, training, engaging ministers and chaplains (both ordained and lay members) to minister in their community especially to  seniors and those with physical and other impairments who may not be able to attend services regularly at a local church. This includes ministry in assisted living , nursing homes, and other community care facilities.
  2. providing internet reference material and libraries for those interested in studying various differing views on doctrine among individuals and Christian groups;
  3. providing internet based interactive groups for fellowship and sharing;
  4. providing a public prayer request list with prayer team members dedicated to praying for those on the list;

This page (including the links below) is in the process of being revised and updated
TGM Fellowship
Other Ministries and Services

An Interdenominational Fellowship

Many associated with True Grace Ministries are also associated with other religious organizations, churches, and denominations, including Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal, Methodist, Pentecostal, etc. Other associations include:

Member of
Click Here To Visit -- The Presidential Prayer Team

Charter #007

Our Library

In the True Grace Ministries online library you will find sections of reference materials concerning differing views of various doctrines for study and comparison with other views. Please keep in mind that the inclusion of an article on our site does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of True Grace Ministries.

  • General Articles:
    Devotional - Evangelistic - Encouragement
  • Christian Universalism Articles:
    Articles about the "True Grace of God" and His ultimate plan for all mankind.
  • Miscellaneous Articles:
    Different views concerning the Trinity, God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit - The Sabbath - Holiness - The Didache, etc.
  • Open House Church Articles:
    Articles written from a House Church Perspective.
  • The New Church Articles:
    and the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg
  • The Seven Noahide Laws
    and related concepts.
  • Universal Redemption Articles:
    Articles about the Universal Opportunity for Salvation and related concepts.
  • Click Here for What's New!

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