~San Antonio's Spending Scene~

Clothing || Magic Supplies || Tattoos and Piercings || Clubs || CDs and Records ||

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Hot Topic Blue Moon
North Star Mall

2911 N. St. Marys St.

goth etc. clothes ( http://hottopic.com)
lots of cool club clothes, carries several gothic designers

Magic Supplies

Planet K 1015 E Mulberry Ave, San Antonio TX 78201, Tel: (210) 822-7767; 2138 Austin Hwy, San Anonio, TX 78218, Tel:(210) 654-8536; 1645 Babcock Rd, San Antonio, TX 78229, Tel: (210) 349-9615 head shop, carries novelties, candles, gargoyles, incense, jewelry, fetish toys, cards, magazines

Tattoos and Piercing

Backbone Tattooing and Piercing Dandyland Tatoos and Piercing Minx Body Piercing
4741 Fredericksburg Rd
1821 Bandera Rd
1621 N. Main


The Wild Club
829 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212, Tel: (210) 832-0073

CDs and Records

Hogwild Records
1824 N Main St

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