Welcome to the Morris Central School
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Visitors since 3/13/01::
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Site Directory - Links
Morris articles from 'The Gazette' and Star
Recent photos of classmates & their families
Year book group photo of class of '74
Stories about high school by Inky
"Remember When...Life in the 70's"
Check out the GuestBook to keep in touch with fellow classmates.  Let them know when you'll be in Morris. 

Please be sure to send Cindy-Jo your
current address (email and regular with phone number). 

Photos of Morris-Winter 2000
(Don't know who did the website)
Class of '74 Time Portal
MCS Class of 72 website
Gilbertsville Home Page
Morris Central School website
Photos of Morris
In memory of a great prinipal,
Mr. Ryther, who passed away
January 12, 2004 at age 84.