The Largest Single Living Thing on Earth

One the things my family and I love so much about the mountains of Utah are the Quaking Aspens. For mother’s day, about 3 years ago. I put an Aspen in our front yard and dug a little flowerbed around it. What was then a 5-foot tree is now over 20 feet tall, with off shoots growing from the main trunk of the tree as well as within the small flower bed. I have heard that the largest living thing in the world is in Colorado, a giant stand of Aspen trees, and all the product of a single root system. Many, many trees, one root . . .

Now in a sense you and I may be a part of what is fast becoming the largest single living thing in the world. Ephesians 4:4-5 talks about the family of Jesus Christ on earth, his church. Here's what it says, "There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one Baptism; one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all."

Think about what these verses have just told us. There are many people who have been by the same Lord, the same faith, and the same baptism. They belong to the same church, and as we may be, every member of the church comes from that single root, the same loving Heavenly Father, the same faith, and the same baptism.

Ephesians 4:3, tells us that we've got to act like we are one. It says this; "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." It says keep it. You see unity is the natural state of people acting in one faith. Members of Christ’s church working and staying together is not something that happens by chance, it is the way God intended it to happen, and it’s something worth working for and preserving.

We believe that the enemy of the church is doing everything he can to put walls and hard feelings, lakes of discouragement and every manner of evil tool between our faith and us. Why? Well, first because he knows that it breaks apart the roots of our faith when those God loves don't love each other. Secondly, because Satan knows the power of our faith when we stand together as opposed to standing separately.

In D&C 38:27 tells the early latter day saints to "be one, if ye are not one, ye are not mine."

Becoming ONE is hard work. D&C 38:27 tells us to "be ONE", Ephesians 4:3 says, "Make every effort."

We put a lot of energy into trying to be ONE because of the opposition that we face in the world. Our egos tear us apart, our differences, our jealousies, and the enemy is always trying to get a wedge in. In trying to be ONE, we find the teaching of Nephi to be true, there is opposition in all things.

Where the opposition is succeeding in our relationships, our family, our community.

Well don't let it stay that way! If there is any brother or sister you have a problem with, who has a problem with you, make every effort to bridge the gap. If there is any division in your life, offer yourself to the Lord as the peacemaker and strive to become ONE with the Lord.

If there are areas in your life that are operating as if they have separate roots, begin to pull together, pray together and work together. Put a lot of effort in keeping the unity that God expects from His children.

I'm not sure about that Aspen stand being the largest single living thing in the world. And although the Church of Jesus Christ isn't a thing, it very well could be the largest single living organism in the world with all our roots going back to ONE foundation, ONE faith, and ONE root base, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.