Being Patient in Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth takes time. Just as Rome was not built in a day, neither is a testimony. For most people it takes time and patience. Remember the mustard seed, have faith, little by little, watch yourself grow.

Read and consider the following verses:

  1. Philippians 3:12-14
  2. God is working in your life right now even if you can't see it. "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose"(Philippians 2:13)
  3. God won't be finished working in your life until you see Christ face to face. "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6)

In other words, relax! Growth, especially spiritual growth takes time.

Isn’t it great to know that Christ won’t be just at the end of the road, he will be there for us along the way too.

How can you avoid impatience in your spiritual life?

Don't fret that some believers are more mature than you. Every mature relationship with Christ was once a new relationship.

Focus on the changes that your Heavenly Father has already made in your life, then seek changes still needed.

Remember that growth isn't easy- it's hard work. Farmers work all year long, but the actual harvest is brief. If you don't see growth in a "thorny" area of your spiritual life, just keep working at it. If you have to work extra hard, you'll feel really great when the success comes (Psalm 126:5-6)