Jerry's Updates

Read the updates on Jerry.
Return to Peoria Update

This is Dave Augustine composing a short message about my dad. My family and I came to Peoria today (4/19) to visit Jerry in the hospital. He became jaundiced a bit over a week ago after having recurrent episodes of fever for a couple weeks. He was evaluated Tuesday and admitted to the hospital. I talked to mom Tuesday and Wednesday with discouraging test results.

A CT scan showed a tumor in the head of his pancreas which is most likely cancer. The tumor was blocking his bile duct and causing damage to his liver. Yesterday he developed a blood clot in his leg (a common problem in people with pancreatic cancer) and in now on heparin (a blood thinner). This afternoon a stent (small tube) was successfully passed across the blocked area to allow bile drainage. During his procedure to pass the stent biopsies of the tumor were obtained. These biopsies are not yet back but the unfortunate conclusion will probably be pancreatic cancer.

Since passing the stent dad seems to be doing a bit better and the fever has improved. He has been in good spirits.

We will keep you posted and appreciate your prayers for dad and mom.

Also, please let me know, if you know, of anyone else who should receive this message.
