This page is Under Continuous Revision..
My parents Srimat Swami Cetanananda Saraswati and Ma Amrutamayee Saraswati currently in Sanyashshram
Master Anish Mishra at the age of 3 days taking his first bath!
Master Anish at the age of about 3-4 weeks!
Master Anish at the age of 9 weeks!
First electronic samples of His Master's Voice!!!
Photograph of Lala and Chhabi (the latest to be married in the family!)
Anish with Munabhaina in India!
Anish with Bou and Khudi at 67 Suryanagar!
Nidhi (Tipa's daughter quite sometime back!
Classic picture of Gulun, Silun, Pupun and Lori!
Chhabi flanked Sila and Baby on D-day!
Why are Tipa and Baby smiling so much!!
Anish in his playpen (he hates it.. maximum 5 minutesat a time)!
Another shot in the playpen.. like a prisnor!
Anish near the Playpen again! (NEW)
Anish up to his antics caught on video! (NEW)
Anish up to his antics caught on video! (NEW)
More of Anish's antics caught on video! (NEW)
This is just a sample of the kind of things I do..
FEM Modelling of Earthquake response of typical framed structures..