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This is a page concerning Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase.

Liver alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme which catalyzes a biochemical pathway. (to view picture of Liver alcohol dehydrogenase, click on the hotlink) This enzyme exitst in two different types, ethanol active (E) and steriod active (S). It is also a dimeric enzyme divided ino two domains. It catalyzes the reactions of aldehydes and corresponding alcohols using NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADH. (to view a picture of the enzyme with the NAD visible in red, click the hotlink) Inhibitors include amides which inhibit the metabolism of alcohol. Amides are also useful as therapeutic agents. An example of this is, the prevention of oxidation of methanol to its acid. On this enzyme, the carbonyl carbon is correctly fitted to accept the hydride ion from NADH. The structure of the compound is quite similar to that of NADH and aldehyde complex.
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